Populist Reform of the Democratic Party
In reply to the discussion: "Where Are the Populist Democrats?" [View all]Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)The Democratic Establishment
is decidedly right-leaning.
Obama has said, he himself,
would be a considered a republican
20 years ago.
The New Democrats, DLC, 3rd-Way
are unquestionably pushing a
republican economic agenda.
Rahm Emanuel is being supported by
Scott Walker republicans.
"They" have taken over the party.
Until average Democrats realize and accept
this fundamental shift NOTHING will change.
Those urging vote (D) because, democrat
are blocking any substantive change .
To that end:
Meet the people where they are.
Social Media.
Inspire and inform.
Establish the narrative.
Push narrative to sympathetic media
co-opt unsympathetic media.
Seek minor acts that
establish solidarity...
(think flag pins, yellow ribbons etc)
Plan for larger action
that can be expressed
without major inconvenience
such as expense, extensive travel
Recognize participation
Urge continued work to fulfill vision.
Lather, rinse, repeat