No Kidding: Sexist Jokes Aren't Funny, They're Hostile [View all]
What's the difference between a woman and a pay phone?
You need a quarter to use a pay phone."
"How is a woman like a condom?
Both of them spend more time in your wallet than on your dick."
"What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
Nothing, you already told her twice."
Women can be easily deceived, used and abused. Women are gold diggers, teasing you sexually but really only after your money. That's the subliminal message here, right? That last joke is great because it alludes to physical abuse, which we all know makes for hysterical comedy material.
Care for one more? Here goes!
"I like my violence like I like my beer: domestic"
That last one wasn't a joke told by a bunch of guys on their fifth pitcher of beer, slowly starting to slur their words and letting their inhibitions down.
It was the recent Facebook status of popular east-end Montreal bar, Nacho Libre, whose social media manager somehow thought it completely appropriate to publish this cringe-inducing "joke." Isn't domestic abuse a riot?
That same bar recently had a sign outside, announcing the pick-up line of the day. Want to know what it was? Take notes, boys and girls. This one's bound to score you some digits.
"Does this handkerchief smell like chloroform?"

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