History of Feminism
Related: About this forumNo Kidding: Sexist Jokes Aren't Funny, They're Hostile
You need a quarter to use a pay phone."
"How is a woman like a condom?
Both of them spend more time in your wallet than on your dick."
"What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
Nothing, you already told her twice."
Women can be easily deceived, used and abused. Women are gold diggers, teasing you sexually but really only after your money. That's the subliminal message here, right? That last joke is great because it alludes to physical abuse, which we all know makes for hysterical comedy material.
Care for one more? Here goes!
"I like my violence like I like my beer: domestic"
That last one wasn't a joke told by a bunch of guys on their fifth pitcher of beer, slowly starting to slur their words and letting their inhibitions down.
It was the recent Facebook status of popular east-end Montreal bar, Nacho Libre, whose social media manager somehow thought it completely appropriate to publish this cringe-inducing "joke." Isn't domestic abuse a riot?
That same bar recently had a sign outside, announcing the pick-up line of the day. Want to know what it was? Take notes, boys and girls. This one's bound to score you some digits.
"Does this handkerchief smell like chloroform?"

the rest at:

Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I don't know why because they make me want to slap somebody (and that would be the hostility, people).
If I ain't laughing it ain't funny
(51,907 posts)--of being abused themselves.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)laugh.
(110,159 posts)one must step out of our women eyes and see it only from a mans eye. then and only then it can be funny. because each and everyone of these jokes, at the expense of the woman is to insult all women. so to laugh, one cannot see it as a woman. she must see it from the mans point of view, or the mans eyes.
i explained this yesterday to my 21 yr old niece, that was talking about it. it was a light bulb moment for her, too, in understanding.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)you (and I) -think- like a -man- .... we have discussed this yet, we don't find those jokes funny ....
and I have terrible hospital humor and laugh at a lot of very distasteful jokes.
(110,159 posts)and still lived life from day one as a female. and i still see life thru a womans eye. and i honor value and appreciate womans song. so... yes. i identify with man. i also am woman. i am bivisual/vocal
oh, btw. the characterizations of being a man is only societies definition. not the reality of being man, being woman. because you and i process information, or though, or feeling in what would be categorized as male, does not make it so. and that is the reason i want to bust all these stereotypes. i am woman. that is who i am. why does a man get to own that when it is not exclusively male? cause it is admired, it is given to male.
like strength.
want to see strength? watch women all thru their lives raising their kids, protecting, providing. i see women of strength all ove rthe fuckin place. i mean, huge emotional strength that would bring some men to their knees. yet men get the adjective.... strength as a descriptive. bullshit.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I am tired of defining people via societal norms.
We are all individuals and each of us has walked our own path.
Some people just have a shitty sense of humor.
Some people still laugh at the same old tired lame jokes that have been told a million times.
I am not one of those people.
I laugh the first time, the second time I don't laugh because the "surprise" element of the joke is gone.
I am not "surprised" and have nothing to laugh about.
(108,333 posts)In terms of psychological comparisons, sort of reminds one of Stockholme Syndrome
(22,336 posts)Holy crap.
(39,210 posts)Fascinating:
The study found that, upon exposure to sexist humour, men higher in sexism discriminated against women by allocating larger funding cuts to a women's organization than they did to other organizations. They also found that, in the presence of sexist humour, participants believed the other participants would approve of the funding cuts to women's organizations.
What this shows is that humorous disparagement creates the perception of a shared standard of tolerance of discrimination that may guide behaviour when people believe others feel the same way.
"Sexist humor is not simply benign amusement. It can affect men's perceptions of their immediate social surroundings and allow them to feel comfortable with behavioral expressions of sexism without the fear of disapproval of their peers," said Thomas E. Ford, a faculty member in the psychology department at WCU. "Specifically, we propose that sexist humor acts as a 'releaser' of prejudice."
In the comments section, I love Jake T:
I have three sons and I have taught them since infancy that sexist humour creates image inside their brains that denigrates all women. I have taught them when someone says a joke imagine it is about their younger sister or their mother. I ask them how they would feel if people said those sorts of things about their mum even in jest. The answer has always been, "it would make me feel angry and/or sad." These jokes perpetuated negative stereotypes against women and cause them harm. These jokes minimize violence and emotional harm perpetrated against women. Simply put, they are not funny.

(115,177 posts)I hate what it says about the socialization of men, that it makes a difference when they imagine it is one of 'their women' being targeted with the 'joke'
Why does it make such a difference?
Because those "other" women are completely dehumanized. This is the goal of the constant objectification of women.
In war, we dehumanize the "other" ... so that soldiers are able to more easily murder them.
What does it say that this practice is carried out so ubiquitously against half of the human race?
(108,333 posts)gaspee
(3,231 posts)can't you take a joke, you humorless feminazi?!?!
SARCASM ( for the few who might need it)
(42,607 posts)Like we needed a scientific study to reach that conclusion...
Still, it's important to point to actual studies that pinpoint the results of something so many consider utterly benign. In the study, men were exposed to sexist images and humour, and then asked to participate in a project designed to determine how funding cuts should be allocated among select student organizations.
The study found that, upon exposure to sexist humour, men higher in sexism discriminated against women by allocating larger funding cuts to a women's organization than they did to other organizations. They also found that, in the presence of sexist humour, participants believed the other participants would approve of the funding cuts to women's organizations.
What this shows is that humorous disparagement creates the perception of a shared standard of tolerance of discrimination that may guide behaviour when people believe others feel the same way.
"Sexist humor is not simply benign amusement. It can affect men's perceptions of their immediate social surroundings and allow them to feel comfortable with behavioral expressions of sexism without the fear of disapproval of their peers," said Thomas E. Ford, a faculty member in the psychology department at WCU. "Specifically, we propose that sexist humor acts as a 'releaser' of prejudice."
(529 posts)But we all know how that would go.
"There are sexist jokes about men, too!" (Because a thread that focuses only on women is a no-no.)
"They're just jokes. If you don't want to hear them then you should never leave your house." (Saw a thread on street harassment a while back where someone basically told a female poster that if she didn't want to get harassed, then she should stay at home.)
"Don't tell me what to say! 1st amendment, 1st amendment, 1st amendment!" (In the same street harassment thread, several female posters tried to give a few male posters tips on how to approach unknown women in public, but they're wouldn't listen. Apparently, no one was going to tell then what to say, damn it!)
And on, and on, and on...
(108,333 posts)That said, I'm not sure any of us are up for another embattled mega-thread repeating the same ugly sexist comments we've seen from the usual few the past weeks.
Hopefully, those who are open to the truth of this issue, will see on the Greatest page.
(110,159 posts)hlthe2b
(108,333 posts)I think it is a quick, low snow total storm, but still.... 17 degrees actual, windchill, -3.
Boy was the Farmer's Almanac correct in predicting a snowy winter.
(110,159 posts)me playing in the warmth today, lol.
(108,333 posts)Tomorrow looks better for getting those errands done anyway. LOL
You supposed to get ice?
(110,159 posts)i never, or rarely play on the ice