because I didn't want those that worked so hard to elect him to tune out or just blindly attack anyone who had issues with his administration. Now, however, it seems unavoidable to see that the entire government is compromised. There is enough evidence now that all rational human beings must formulate an opinion. Clinging to a sacred cow is no longer acceptable. The Executive branch is connected to intelligence services and ,as such , accountable for their actions. Check out Ray McGovern interview on the corruption of US intelligence to get an idea of how it works.
And let's be honest about the "facts"; no matter how many links we provide,it is still up to each of us to interpret the data we receive. We are all Denizens of the Net, and we are all capable of looking this stuff up ourselves.Indeed , that is how it should be. If I demand "facts" and you post a link, is it a surprise that my next move is to denigrate your link? At some point, you have to look at all you have seen and formulate an opinion.
We constantly see post demanding that we " get the facts ", or claiming that " there is no proof";
how ridiculous.
While I DO have hope that the document that unequivocally states that the Government IS spying on us for the benefit of corporate America will arrive at my doorstep unredacted (if that is a word ), I know , deep down that it is not going to happen.
So, all the apologists out there can rest easy in the knowledge that there will be no "smoking gun". The NSA is not going just say " aw, shucks. you are right. we're sorry". They will do what they want, and We can do nothing to stop it.
Money is corrupting our system to the point that even the pretense of Democracy is eroding.
I applaud the FireWalker for spreading awareness.
it is much needed....