The punk was back at it [View all]
The last couple of days, he's been riding an illegal dirt bike on the pavement. The highway patrol officer advised me in August to stay inside and call them. They did catch him in August and impound the bike, but his grandmother got it fixed up for him. It has been fairly quiet since then, but I wear noise-cancelling earphones a lot.
However, over Christmas break, he's been at it again. I used the earphones, and ignored it. Yesterday, he rode past my house at 5:35, with no lights. I have a corner lot. Two streets go up the hill and dead end, and there is a short street by mu house that connects them. Today, he was riding the dirt bike through people's yards a little further up the hill, and then coming down the street behind me. He lives on the other side of a hill and I can hear the bike, even from his own 5 and 1/2 wooded acres. So when he comes up the street it is noisy. He did that today, acting like he was trying to piss me off. I finally got pictures of him, even popping a wheelie. He stopped in front of my house at least twice, in the intersection and in front, and revved the motor so hard there was smoke coming out of the tailpipe. He took off up to his house and I called the state patrol. Right after I called, the kid came down in different clothes on his lawn tractor. He rode that up and down in front of my house and stopped at least twice to rev the engine and then went down the street. I had to run an errand after that and saw the trooper parked down the street.
I sent a text to elder abuse just now. I don't know if it qualifies, but the kid is harassing me and I want my concerns in as many places as I can post it I haven't ever been in a situation where someone is bothering me on purpose. I don't like it and I won't put up with it. If I end up shot, I suspect he will be the perp.
Many thanks for reading.