Related: About this forumThe punk was back at it
The last couple of days, he's been riding an illegal dirt bike on the pavement. The highway patrol officer advised me in August to stay inside and call them. They did catch him in August and impound the bike, but his grandmother got it fixed up for him. It has been fairly quiet since then, but I wear noise-cancelling earphones a lot.
However, over Christmas break, he's been at it again. I used the earphones, and ignored it. Yesterday, he rode past my house at 5:35, with no lights. I have a corner lot. Two streets go up the hill and dead end, and there is a short street by mu house that connects them. Today, he was riding the dirt bike through people's yards a little further up the hill, and then coming down the street behind me. He lives on the other side of a hill and I can hear the bike, even from his own 5 and 1/2 wooded acres. So when he comes up the street it is noisy. He did that today, acting like he was trying to piss me off. I finally got pictures of him, even popping a wheelie. He stopped in front of my house at least twice, in the intersection and in front, and revved the motor so hard there was smoke coming out of the tailpipe. He took off up to his house and I called the state patrol. Right after I called, the kid came down in different clothes on his lawn tractor. He rode that up and down in front of my house and stopped at least twice to rev the engine and then went down the street. I had to run an errand after that and saw the trooper parked down the street.
I sent a text to elder abuse just now. I don't know if it qualifies, but the kid is harassing me and I want my concerns in as many places as I can post it I haven't ever been in a situation where someone is bothering me on purpose. I don't like it and I won't put up with it. If I end up shot, I suspect he will be the perp.
Many thanks for reading.

(18,409 posts)So sorry the pig is bothering you
(10,082 posts)Also just kidding
(18,297 posts)Trick is to have the wire laid flat on the road and raised when appropriate.
gay texan
(2,952 posts)A pick up truck and a legal place to ride.
(20,272 posts)and probably some other dysfunctions. During the confrontations in August, I realized he isn't all there. He probably can't pass a driving test. Grandma ignores that he can't read, but thinks he's smart because he can take a motor apart. They have 5 1/2 acres that abuts on more undeveloped land. But his friends live on the street past me.
gay texan
(2,952 posts)That kid needs real parenting.
If anything, a motorcycle helped me hone attention skills.
(20,272 posts)We have a really steep hill and the incline starts right past the intersection. It is an attractive nuisance for anyone with any kind of vehicle. Over the years, at least 3 kids have wrecked coming down the hill on their bikes. One kid needed the .e.r squad. Another kid's family took care of her and her injuries, and we took another kid back down the street to his family. A couple times bad drivers ended up in our yard and tore it up getting out. If people are using street legal vehicles to joyride up and down the hill, I grit my teeth. I'm glad I got the noise-cancelling earphones. I can say that the noise is stressful, but the fear of an accident is harder on me. I can't think of a time the kid was polite to me, so he isn't my favorite. Their house burned and while it was getting repaired, the family stayed in a motel. I offered to let them use my washer and dryer until they got other housing. The kid lost his tablet in the fire. His grandmother brought him along when she did some laundry. I offered to let him use my tablet and he said he didn't want to use that junk. He's like that and I withdrew from getting to know him better. Now that his grandmother and I are no longer friends, I have no tolerance to spare. I know people of all ages who deal with their challenges, and I have pleasant relationships with them, enjoy their friendship. I think the kid would be poison mean with or without a disability.
(9,671 posts)Sounds to me as if this kid needs discipline in a controlled environment. Aren't there laws about failure to control your kid? Maybe the state patrol should have a stern talk with grandma and start issuing noise abatement tickets to her.
(20,272 posts)I was friends with her for several years. I took all that she told me about the kid at face value. Since she accused me of being a coward (by thinking I would send an anonymous text) lying (by denying I sent the text) which ended our friendship, I have probably overthought everything she told me, but I suspect that she has done all she can to protect the kid and refuses to believe he is anything but an angel. I've kept an extensive journal, just about what the kid is doing and also things she told me, that others told me and what I've seen.
Their home is on the other side of the hill, off the main road, at the end of a dead end street. The house is well-built and you can't hear or see anything when you are inside. I watched her dogs for her, and spent time in the house. Anyway, if the kid leaves their house and comes down into the neighborhood, she doesn't have a clue what he does, and doesn't believe anyone who tries to tell her. We have a mutual friend and they has told me things that make me realize that you are right about what the kid needs. I also think that no one else in the family wants to take him on and they are parking him at grandma's because she's the only person who wants him. The way she lets him run wild, I'm not even sure about that!
(9,671 posts)I hope it gets resolved. You should not be subjected to this abnormal behavior. You're doing the right things though: Document, report, complain.
(20,272 posts)and I think she's afraid of being alone.
Thank you for your comment.
(9,671 posts)If elder abuse contacts me for a follow-up, I might try to share my concerns about her well-being. Some of the stuff I heard aren't things I witnessed. Even if I don't like the way I'm being treated, I wouldn't want to tell stories I can't verify.
No Vested Interest
(5,229 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,240 posts)bullying or elder abuse or harassment.
(20,272 posts)Thank you.
I really do appreciate the police coming out and very promptly. School starts back day after tomorrow and we are supposed to have snow. Maybe he'll get over his wild hair, whatever set him off.
(20,272 posts)I think he is bullying me and I think he bullies other people. His grandmother was in an abusive marriage and while she understands that, I think she overlooks the kid's behavior and always has.
(12,736 posts)This guy needs some serious consequences. Sadly, his family doesn't seem to care.
Keep yourself safe and keep reaching out for help and calling the patrol and cops.
(20,272 posts)and I'm glad I've kept reporting it, so there is a record. I feel bad for anyone with bad neighbors.
(9,519 posts) enforcement is the safest way to go. They keep public records should a court action be in the future. Sorry you're having to deal with this. Wishing you a positive solution.
(20,272 posts)and keep my opinions to myself. They've been sympathetic and told me to call any time if the kid is bothering me. That is nice to know
(11,693 posts)We shared a fence on a half mile fence line. It was about 50 feet off our house but was in their pasture.
5:30 to 6 am was the kids favorite riding times. He had a dirt bike with the tail pipe removed. We called the cops but they said there were no noise restrictions in our area.
They found out we called the cops and then they called the cops. Claimed we were threatening their kid. We never talked to the kid, just asked the step father over and over again to no avail.
Eventually other neighbors were complaining, some of them confronted the mother in church. In about 6 months the kid started riding on the road and the cops pulled him over for riding without a license. It stopped after that. The kid grew up and went off to college.
But the step father still acts like a ass when I walk the fenceline near their house.
(20,272 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 2, 2024, 09:33 PM - Edit history (1)
Our kids and their cousins did something once. We found out about it and the kids were punished for their deed. The kids admitted to what they did but didn't think it was that bad, but all of the parents disciplined them. They probably all got away with other things, but if they got caught, they got at least a talking to.
When the parents refuse to believe that their child isn't as pure as the driven snow, they are encouraging bad behavior. I wonder if your neighbor's kid ended up being a trump lawyer?
(11,693 posts)They said he had a right to make any noises they wanted on their property. It didn't just bother us, all the neighbors even further away complained about the loud noises all the time and early morning.
They got him a light on the bike so he could ride at night. But he had a tendency to fall off and skid at night in their rugged pasture. That's what led to him riding in the streets and more complaints.
His parents are certainly Trump supporters but I doubt he studied law. I think he wants to be a PE teacher.
(16,505 posts)You really should get your oil changed at a service station.
Hint, hint.
(17,572 posts)Prayed all will be well.
(24,988 posts)riding around on his offroad bike, and finally, he got into trouble on his own, by whipping out a gun on someone in West County (in STLMO). Since then, we haven't seen hide or hair of him...he's lucky to not get shot when he whipped the gun out on someone in West County.
(20,272 posts)Many of the neighbors see nothing wrong with his driving the lawn tractor around like a golf cart, or having the dirt bike on the pavement. There are at least 3 other neighbors who drive around on their lawn tractors, and others who ride 4 wheelers or or vehicles up the hill, on the street.
The Ohio law for any of the off road vehicles is drive from point a to point b, and don't be on the pavement longer than you have to be. ha ha ha :/
(65,857 posts)Keep documenting every incident in a journal, with the date, time, and details. Keep reporting him to LE and don't confront him or his grandmother!
(20,272 posts)I try to. I was getting used to the quiet.
(65,857 posts)I hope that LE will put a stop to it. You need to protect yourself, too.
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,709 posts)Be very careful.
(20,272 posts)I feel like it is a scale model of the battle we are fighting against trump and his henchmen. I don't want to be ruled by a tin pot dictator at any level.
(113,131 posts)citing reckless driving by speedy motorcycle punk, for the safety of the children in the area, of course.
Other than that, you'll just have to hope he either blows through the wrong stop sign and gets nailed by a beer truck or grows up and leaves. It sounds like the former is the more likely option.
Just don't expect the cops or his granny to do a damned thing.
(20,272 posts)I felt like whooping when the trooper came to give me a follow-up report. It has been pretty quiet since August. The kid and his family need a longer memory. I'd be mortified if the cops showed up at my house because of one of my kids. But doesn't seem to faze his grandmother. Cope show up, she lies that the kid wasn't home or hasn't been out. She's started to remind me of Ma Barker :/