The Media has presented the entire political season in terms of stereotypes that fit their prejudices and those of their corporate owners. They seem to have no interest in following the nuances or the facts when they do not conform to the expected stereotypes. While this pattern is not new to political reporting in American mass media it is far too much the norm in the sound-byte reportage of 2016.
The DNC and many regional party leaders have engaged in all kinds of political rat fucking to discredit progressives of any kind whether or not they align with Sanders. They have gone far beyond what one would expect of a competitive primary season. It reminds me of the reaction the party had to the Peace movement and the attempts to discredit the ideals and the credibility of those who raised that issue at any time. Today's Party will not discuss any issue that is not on their terms regardless of who brings it up. You may not even get into the room without the right connections.
While there is good reason for rank and file members to discuss and cooperate, Those currently at the top intend that no one shall present any comment to the press which was not authorized and sanitized by the DNC or the HRC campaign. The degree of control and manipulation from on high is astounding given the nature of typical Democratic party organisation at the grass roots.
This is not your Grandfather's Democratic Party, and more's the pity it is not. Healthy debate and dialogue within the party is a key dynamic of the primary season. When it is marginalized or eliminated entirely every Democrat suffers. The national political discussion that is at the core of Presidential party politics becomes moribund when the voices it claims to represent are silenced. Ask the members of the BLM movement, for example.