Related: About this forumCNN And MSNBC Are The Problem -> Zero Violence In Nevada
I went to the caucus in Washington State, and the Hillary People, and the Bernie People got along just fine with zero problems. In fact many of the "two sides" are good friends. I have many good friends I see all the time that support Mrs. Clinton. In almost every case us Democrats respect the decisions of others. I have been part of campaigns between 2 popular Democratic Candidates, and there was zero problems when it was settled.
The problem in Nevada was a whole bunch of Bernie people have a lot of frustration with how the media, and the establishment has done all they can to get their girl the nomination. Every step of the way they (Bernie) have been fighting an uphill battle (everyone knows) and with the DNC not playing fair, and the MSM actually part of the Clinton Campaign tempers are a little hot.
When the (blank) chairperson did what she did people started yelling. Rightfully so. They have been pushed around so much, here was a place they could push back, and push they did. They thought they were being screwed again. They started yelling.
But they did not push back with violence (except for the one Clinton Supporter who was arrested).
Now for the point. We all saw the angry crowd over, and over, and over, and over and then a few thousand more times. The media plays this UTTER CRAP TO CREATE CONTROVERSY, to get eyeballs to sell their ads to. They don't care if the "violence" story line is a lie. They are about getting people to stay tuned, not to tell anyone anything resembling the truth. Both CNN, and MSNBC pushed this "violence" garbage/lie. FOX (pure propaganda) doesn't count. It is for true psychos. Not once on CNN, or MSNBC did I see one host even explain the real reason why The Bernie People were even angry. The hosts just don't care. In fact they are still pushing the "alleged violence" garbage. They are in a win win situation. Getting a "controversial" story to get eyeballs, and to hurt Bernie so he can't win and do something about the billions they get in billionaire funded ad cash.
It isn't so much Hillary playing dirty, politics ain't bean bag. It is the scum sucking slimeballs we call the media. Distorting anything they can to sell advertising. To hell with news reporting. It isn't about news. It is about revenue. Now and in the future. They could have just reported what actually happened. Not on your life.
Us Democrats are not at war regardless what the media dirt bags spew in the form of lies. Real issues are for once being addressed, and for this I am proud of Bernie, and Hillary too.
Rec if you think this story needs told.
It's our f-ed up media.

(1,400 posts)If they did their jobs, we wouldn't even have Republicans.
They treat Republicans like their ideas don't suck, and their plans aren't disastrous. Like Republicans aren't all lying, treasonous psychopaths who would kill their own mothers if they thought it would benefit them in some way.
The media is actually worse than Republicans, and every single Republican is a traitor.
Being worse than a Republican is hard.
(50,130 posts)...Sunday afternoon I am going to watch Howard Kurtz's Media Buzz show on FOX to see what he has to say about the media coverage last week. Let's see if FOX is more truthful than the so-called liberal MSNBC.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)He's old.
I point out she is too.
They say, "Yeah, but she doesn't look it."
They love Bernie's ideas and wish Hillary adopted them.
I point out they aren't actually HIS ideas but classic liberal ones.
The way I look at it - We're headed there.
It might not be Bernie or Hillary but we will get there eventually.
(1,400 posts)How high to build the wall (around our airports?), or how to keep peaceful Muslims out, or god knows what else is what you hear on the other side.
Then there is the outsourcer that wants to stop outsourcing, except for his own Trump crap. It is all made in China.
At least Romney told the yard maintenance company he can't have illegals because for god sakes he is running for president.
(893 posts)It's all mass hysteria and fear mongering. Satire from TNA...
Worst Terrorists Ever Blow Plane Up, Fail to Take Credit
(25,771 posts)Whether or not it was just the media who started this controversy, the Hillary campaign and supporters ran with it.
Ever since I heard former governor of PA., Ed Rendell (co-chair of the Philadelphia host committee and Clinton surrogate) say "Bernie supporters better behave themselves in Philadelphia when they lose" I knew something was up.
That statement supported all of the following memes:
* Bernie (and Bernie supporters) were never Democrats to begin with and are dead set against the party
* Bernie supporters are all young immature kids who have no business in politics
* This is just 1968 all over again ... or McGovern ... or Nader ... or the man in the moon.
Whether or not the Nevada issue was intentionally contrived by the media or not, Hillary surrogates and supporters have been laying the groundwork since day 1 through their irresponsible language
(8,602 posts)MONEY they are making with the political ads, THAT IS ALL THEY CARE ABOUT. Sorry didn't mean to yell.
It's just frustrating that it's trump, trump, trump, every lead story on the news and how the Ds are fighting. ugh.
(10,978 posts)The Clintons and other third-wayer's failed to perceive/acquiesced in/paved the way for the consolidation of media ownership that made the current media corruption possible.
cui bono
(19,926 posts)Rachel started it off with a little clip of Bernie not wanting to answer a question about it and set up the segment as "Bernie didn't want to talke about it" then proceeded to allow DWS to COMPLETELY LIE about what happened, leaving out the ENTIRE THWARTING OF DEMOCRACY by that corrupt woman whatever her name is.
I wonder if Rachel ever cleared this up on her show.
(8,291 posts)The Media has presented the entire political season in terms of stereotypes that fit their prejudices and those of their corporate owners. They seem to have no interest in following the nuances or the facts when they do not conform to the expected stereotypes. While this pattern is not new to political reporting in American mass media it is far too much the norm in the sound-byte reportage of 2016.
The DNC and many regional party leaders have engaged in all kinds of political rat fucking to discredit progressives of any kind whether or not they align with Sanders. They have gone far beyond what one would expect of a competitive primary season. It reminds me of the reaction the party had to the Peace movement and the attempts to discredit the ideals and the credibility of those who raised that issue at any time. Today's Party will not discuss any issue that is not on their terms regardless of who brings it up. You may not even get into the room without the right connections.
While there is good reason for rank and file members to discuss and cooperate, Those currently at the top intend that no one shall present any comment to the press which was not authorized and sanitized by the DNC or the HRC campaign. The degree of control and manipulation from on high is astounding given the nature of typical Democratic party organisation at the grass roots.
This is not your Grandfather's Democratic Party, and more's the pity it is not. Healthy debate and dialogue within the party is a key dynamic of the primary season. When it is marginalized or eliminated entirely every Democrat suffers. The national political discussion that is at the core of Presidential party politics becomes moribund when the voices it claims to represent are silenced. Ask the members of the BLM movement, for example.
(4,775 posts)scottie55
(1,400 posts)dreamnightwind
(4,775 posts)I think this was driven not by the media, but by back-channel collusion between the media, the DNC, and the HRC campaign, with the originators being those allied with Hillary, pushing this to their media surrogates.
We should have an independent media, but we no longer do. I got an education while reading up on all the back-channel emails between people like Mark Halperin and Jonathan Capehart and the Clinton supporter who pushed the (untrue) story that the protest photo of Bernie in the 60's was not Bernie.
These things are often driven by campaigns and their surrogates, not media creations. It's fair to blame the media for being propagandists for the approved campaigns rather than for being independent, but the Nevada caucus lies were no doubt catapulted by Hillary's people.
(34,582 posts)scottie55
(1,400 posts)I like girls.
If Madeline can use that word, so can I.
(34,582 posts)it just rubbed me a little wrong.