it is either a free country or it isn't.
There is a world of difference between a school setting standards of behavior and what you seem to be suggesting.
no there isn't.
Interesting how this ties into the Facebook culture problem and their dragging their feet so long to pay editors to oversee the swill that's been circulating the lies and distortions flooding in from Russia and its Trumpian allies.
Corporate censorship is no different than government censorship.
Am I threatened by such drek? By propaganda? You betcha. Look what it's done to Russia and beginning to do to us.
Russia is a Alex Jones level conspiracy theory.
Time for some adults (caring people) to say: "Kiddo, no you can't wear that provocative gun on your T-shirt." Time to stand up for civilization. Sorry, I don't want children (and their unfiltered corporate/violent computer game ethos) running the school. We have dumbed down enough.
Ideolology and telling kids what to think, not how to think is dumbing kids down. That and teaching to the test.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance
. True.
And "well-regulated," even if you twist it into "well functioning," still isn't congruent with the poorly regulated, massacre-rich gun situation of today.
Schools are safer now than 30 years ago. We are also one of the safest countries.
Ban the assault rifles and bump stocks. Tell the kids to focus on their homework and not their vanity. And treat Facebook as a virtual education environment requiring some oversight by educated adults. (And call Zuckerberg's parents and implore them to send him back to college to finish his education, preferably down the road at MIT where Noam Chomsky teaches.)
Assault rifles have been pretty much been banned since the 1930s, and I doubt you know what a bump stock is. Noam "Pol Pot did nothing wrong" Chomsky. Brilliant linquist but his political commentary is half baked and contradictory.