A teenage "journalist" who filmed the Maccabi hooligans as they were going about their -apparently coordinated - rampage. Donning masks (!), throwing metal pipes and wooden boards at police cars and people, throwing stones at a home with a Palestinian flag and at the kid journalist and threatening him to put down his camera "for his own safety".
Interesting that, even after being attacked, the police allow the mob to rampage through the streets without making any arrests. Eventually the mob is herded onto buses, but are allowed to disembark to throw stones at a house with a Palestinian flag.
This on-the-ground-reporting by this amazing kid sure beats the selective, second-hand reporting of the MSM which always takes its cue from what Israel tells them.
Note that this violent rampage occurred after the match and the day after the Maccabi "ultras" instigated violence throughout Amsterdam, destroyed the taxi of a Muslim driver, attacked other drivers, tore down and burned Palestinian flags. The piece-de-resistance, in my view, though, were the chants such as "Death to the Arabs" and:
"Let IDF win, we will f*** the Arabs. Ole, ole, ole. In Gaza theres no schooling, theres no children left there.
Please let that sink in.