Anyone inspired to vote for a party that supports a model of knowledge clusters?
“The common life we share is who we are as a country.” (page 11)
“We will create a whole-person approach.” (page 34)
“Labour recognises the vital importance of the power of people’s relationships to build the capacity for love, care and resilience.” (page 44)
“We need a change in how we design our public services by pushing power down.” (page 32)
“We will support this model of knowledge clusters.” (page 21)
“We guarantee a universal entitlement to a creative education so that every young person has access to cultural activity.” (page 55)
“Labour has always believed that everyone should have access to nature, whoever they are.” (page 56)
“One of our first acts in government will be to conduct a wide-ranging review of Britain’s place in the world.” (page 74)
“We applaud those faith communities who have pioneered an inter-faith dialogue for the common good.” (page 54)
“In a globalised world, our local environment provides us with a sense of place and belonging.” (page 56)
“For our country to stay strong, with the confidence to look outwards rather than inwards, people need to feel secure in the strength of our borders, our communities, and in the workplace.” (page 49)
“Labour believes that art and culture gives form to our hopes and aspirations and defines our heritage as a nation.” (page 54)
“This will be underpinned by a new National Primary Childcare Service, a not-for-profit organisation to promote the voluntary and charitable delivery of quality extracurricular activities.” (page 44)
“Sport brings us together in an expression of our local and national pride.” (page 55)
“We will take a whole-family approach to policy-making.” (page 45)