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Last edited Wed Apr 8, 2015, 03:13 AM - Edit history (1)
A thread about the Labour party. Currently the 2nd biggest political party in the UK and the main opposition party to the government.
I would post some bumph from the Labour party website, but it demands to know the answer to the below (ever so slightly loaded) question before it will let me in. Very annoying when all I want is some sort of statement of what the Labour party stands for
Are you with us?
YES, I'll be voting Labour
MAYBE, I'm still undecided

non sociopath skin
(4,972 posts).... though if Blair does much more campaigning for them, I could reconsider ...
The Skin
(14,829 posts)....I'd like to get some actual information from Labour's website, without having to answer any loaded questions before I'm granted access to the website.
Why do the main parties feel the need to make it so difficult to find out anything about what they stand for?
non sociopath skin
(4,972 posts)The Skin
Ironing Man
(164 posts)they make it difficult to find out what they stand for because if they made it easy everyone would be disappointed.
Ed Balls made it all pretty clear during the last budget bebate - Labour, who decry everything this government has done over the last five years, wouldn't reverse anything in the 2015 budget. ok, so it wasn't the most radical budget in british history, but if they aren't going to change much, whats the point of voting for them?
similar thing with the Greens this morning - Natalie Bennet was on the Today programme talking about defence cuts. whats their actual policy? to retain current capabilities (except CASD) and planned manpower levels till at least 2020.
if being a Green is your thing - with all the peace and love crap that goes with the rhetoric of the green party - why on earth would you bother your arse getting out of bed to vote for the reality of their policy? nice dig about Brighton council - Green party run - being 308th out of 328 councils for recycling as well....
(14,829 posts)...is of a party who are clearly saying different things to different people to win votes.
Which doesn't give me any confidence in what the Labour party is saying.
(103,206 posts)which gets you past the annoying question. There's also a 'close' button for a pop-up that wants to ask you another question that comes next (about what your priorities are, I think). I suspect they want to get some email addresses from people, and a bit of feedback about what parts of their canvassing is working. After that you get link to pages about:
A Labour government will build a strong economic foundation and balance the books
A Labour government will create jobs for young people
A Labour government will freeze gas and electricity bills until 2017
plus more issues, and a link to a page about the senior politicians.
(14,829 posts)....well, what's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
Once you get in, the Labour website isn't nearly as negative as the Conservatives website, but it does seem to have been produced with an eye to getting personal information from visitors to the website.
(103,206 posts)Yeah, they are definitely trying to make saying 'maybe' (or 'yes') the easy option, and I suspect 'yes' would lead to 'will you volunteer or put up posters' questions, and 'maybe' would lead to 'what would persuade you? Let us email you' questions.
(14,829 posts)Anyone inspired to vote for a party that supports a model of knowledge clusters?
We will create a whole-person approach. (page 34)
Labour recognises the vital importance of the power of peoples relationships to build the capacity for love, care and resilience. (page 44)
We need a change in how we design our public services by pushing power down. (page 32)
We will support this model of knowledge clusters. (page 21)
We guarantee a universal entitlement to a creative education so that every young person has access to cultural activity. (page 55)
Labour has always believed that everyone should have access to nature, whoever they are. (page 56)
One of our first acts in government will be to conduct a wide-ranging review of Britains place in the world. (page 74)
We applaud those faith communities who have pioneered an inter-faith dialogue for the common good. (page 54)
In a globalised world, our local environment provides us with a sense of place and belonging. (page 56)
For our country to stay strong, with the confidence to look outwards rather than inwards, people need to feel secure in the strength of our borders, our communities, and in the workplace. (page 49)
Labour believes that art and culture gives form to our hopes and aspirations and defines our heritage as a nation. (page 54)
This will be underpinned by a new National Primary Childcare Service, a not-for-profit organisation to promote the voluntary and charitable delivery of quality extracurricular activities. (page 44)
Sport brings us together in an expression of our local and national pride. (page 55)
We will take a whole-family approach to policy-making. (page 45)
Ironing Man
(164 posts)do you think they were having a game of bollocks bingo when they wrote it?
(41,318 posts)But the Tories sound like slick-advertiser-speak.
(103,206 posts)...
The detail about this increased spending is generous. The detail about how its going to be paid for is less so. The cap on the amount of benefit received by a household is being lowered from £23,000 p.a. to £21,000. You would be forgiven for thinking that this will pay for everything, because its the only specific cut that is mentioned. Elsewhere theres a promise, repeating something previously asserted by George Osborne, that the Tories will find £12 billion in welfare savings, added to another £13 billion in cuts in departmental spending. James Ball at the Guardian has made a vivid chart of what that ongoing £12 billion cut looks like:

Thats not a one-off: those cuts are money which would disappear from the annual budget. And thats all we know about these cuts: further detail is lacking. These promised cuts, if they go ahead, will have an enormous bearing on every aspect of life in the UK, especially for the poor and the excluded and anyone needing social care, and this is the full discussion they get in the Conservative manifesto: We will find £12 billion from welfare savings. Seven words. Whereas heres the policy on polar bears: We will press for full endangered species status for polar bears and a ban on the international trade in polar bear skins. Twenty-two words. The Tory manifesto promises £12 billion in welfare cuts, but gives three times as much space to its policy on polar bears.
Polar bears are cute, from a distance; cuts look better from a distance too, but they never look cute.
(14,829 posts)The Tory website is the glossiest party website, but I also found it to be quite vague about their own policies, and the most negative of all the party websites.
And negative campaigning really isn't the best way to me. At times it's a bit like trying to sell burgers by endlessly slagging off hot dogs.
(41,318 posts)a good advertiser generally tries to make THEIR product memorable, rather than show pictures of the alternatives with 'don't trust this!'
(14,829 posts)Very dispiriting to see the way that Labour have managed to regress since I started this thread before the last general election.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)T_i_B
(14,829 posts)The website for the group of seven MP's who have quit Labour over anti-Semitism, Corbyn's leadership and failure to oppose the disastrous project to leave the EU
(14,829 posts)Safe to say that Labour has changed a fair bit since I first created this thread when Ed Miliband was leading Labour
(14,829 posts)A lot has changed for Labour since 2019. Corbyn has left the party, and Labour are clearly benefitting from the Conservatives many failures.
The Labour party website has clearly been improved as well!
Feel free to let us know your thoughts about Labour's policies and election campaign here.