let me count the ways:
- indiscriminate clear-cut logging of our forests, virgin timber - only to be "replanted" with non indigenous species of franken trees;
- privatizing public land (blm & usfs) so that foreign buyers and sellers can indescrimintely and at their whim "harvest" OUR natural resources and destroy our watersheds, water table, and harm every living thing upon the land with toxins from mining for minerals, fracking for oil, damming, spraying, and logging;
- allowing the lng pipeline promising 50 or fewer permanent jobs and a couple of thousand temporary jobs only to ship canadian fracked oil to china to process at a lower cost to the foreign corporations so they can sell it back to us at an inflated cost - all tax free to them;
- supports the rights of ranchers to kill the 60 wolves that are now in oregon (as does gov kate brown) and indescriminate grazing rights of cattle over the natural / indigenous wildlife;
yes, he defended the views of the bundy's and the reasons for the occupation of malheure - although he beseeched them to not occupy the wildlife refuge.
as stated earlier - he is a far right "democrat". not much that is even centrist about him.