Related: About this forumStrike #2 for Ron Wyden?... Why is he the only Democratic Senator leaning against the Iran deal?
Ron Wyden already has put himself on notice to be primaried in 2016 with his pushing of passage of the TPA, and ultimately passing of many damaging trade bills like the TPP, TISA, and TTIP "free trade" bills in the coming years and who knows what in 2016-2020 when we might have a Republican president with minorities in congress where we won't be able to filibuster anything too.
NOW he's one of only three Democratic senators leaning against or against the deal to keep us from a war with Iran! WHY? Pete DeFazio's committed to doing the right thing on this bill! Another reason he needs to run in the 2016 primary!
D - Ore.
"I was skeptical that Irans leaders would agree to dismantle their nuclear weapons program and I have questions about whether this agreement accomplishes that, particularly in light of Irans history on this issue."
D - Ore.
"The agreement is the best option that the global community has to ensure that Iran will not develop a nuclear weapon."
We need SENATOR DeFazio in 2016!!! Do we need to wait for strike three before he's OUT?
My rep, Suzanne Bonamici, is also failing again, not only to commit herself on where she will vote here, but not having any comments on this bill as well. And she already failed the TPA/TPP tests too.

(43,049 posts)we got two out this way who are against the deal.
(19,537 posts)Now I'm seeing that he's the only one that's "leaning against the deal". There are two against it (Schumer, who I shouldn't have forgotten, and Menendez) Still one of only three Democratic Senators is not good in my book. Schumer is already on my bad list for having his name associated with every "deal" with Repubilcans to raise the H-1B quota in the bills that have done so.
Yes, there are congress critters that will perhaps vote the wrong way too that also need to have a talking to as well.
If Wyden's "leaning" against it, then that implies that we could call his office now and perhaps push him to support it, and note that we're already not happy with his work on the TPA/TPP bill, and that a no vote here would solidify us supporting someone like DeFazio in a primary battle.
(5,195 posts)schumer and Robert Menendez also came out against it.
(19,537 posts)He's the only one "leaning against" it. Schumer and Menendez are already in the dog house now.... Looking at the totals as I was scrolling down that page and saw his name I missed that that portion showed only one dem was "leaning" against it.
Still sounds like a good target to call and let him know we're not happy with him now.
(43,049 posts)Senators Schumer (NY) and Menendez (NJ) who came out against it. There may be others around the country.
I'm not calling you out for not knowing what's big news here in the Northeast any more than I would know everything going on out there, but Schumer is our Senator-for-Life with vast funding and who doesn't give a shit about what most New Yorkers not involved in that funding think.
I don't know much about Menendez except he seemed a reasonably decent House member before his "promotion". I did, however, live in NJ for around 10 years, and am all too aware of how these deals are made over there. It should be no surprise that he makes strange choices.
(466 posts)This is simply a fact; he is my senator and I have a lot of respect for him but I suspect his loyalties may be to Israel's interests.
(19,537 posts).. and perhaps that a sizable part of Schumer's constituency is Jewish as well. But being Jewish hasn't stopped Bernie Sanders to state he supports it, even as an independent. And for Wyden, this state is has perhaps the least amount of any large religious groups in the country, so I don't think it is his constituency pushing him on this issue like perhaps Schumer is facing.
Even Israel's security leadership is breaking with Netanyahu about whether to be against this deal. Read more here:
And that title is "crack's widen"... not "crack's wyden"...
So, I'd like to give many Israelis and the Jewish community credit for seeing that this is the best option for a good pragmatic deal for the safety in the region, even if it is with a nation they don't trust.
(97,978 posts)Money he gets from various pacs
(97,978 posts)representatives who are voting for the deal?
Oh, and by the way Bernie Sander's is Jewish, who also happens to be for the deal
Gee, it is nice to make generalizations about "certain" demographics
Your statement that you have a lot of respect for him reminds me of the phrase, "some of my best friends are_____________"
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)n/t.
(892 posts)It's been rumored for almost 2 years that the Republicans will run a organized campaign in 2016 to defeat Wyden based on the "fact" that he is a New York Jew and doesn't represent Oregon. Pete DeFazio is my Congressman and I am so proud to support him. After a campaign he urges folks to keep their yard signs and just reuse them in 2 years. A good idea. There is zero chance that DeFazio will run for the Senate against Wyden because Wyden is somehow loyal to Israel. That's a Republican technique.
(19,537 posts)Whether they do or not is not the issue. Whether he's voting for good legislation or against bad legislation is the issue. DeFazio's shown a good track record and even has had Israelis support for his decisions voting against a bill that wasn't well written that went beyond trying to stop Hamas from violent behavior, but would work against moderate Palestinian interests, not just those who would engage in violence.
It's votes like that by DeFazio that have me thinking he'd make a better senator than Wyden would. Wyden should know that this deal with Iran is probably the last chance we have in keeping Iran from abusing nuclear technology in a peaceful fashion.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)You can't assume everyone who's Jewish is an unquestioning supporter of AIPAC and Netanyahu.
(18,791 posts)davidpdx
(22,000 posts)Furthermore I haven't decided what I'm going to do if Sanders is not at the top of the ticket.
(3,919 posts)let me count the ways:
- indiscriminate clear-cut logging of our forests, virgin timber - only to be "replanted" with non indigenous species of franken trees;
- privatizing public land (blm & usfs) so that foreign buyers and sellers can indescrimintely and at their whim "harvest" OUR natural resources and destroy our watersheds, water table, and harm every living thing upon the land with toxins from mining for minerals, fracking for oil, damming, spraying, and logging;
- allowing the lng pipeline promising 50 or fewer permanent jobs and a couple of thousand temporary jobs only to ship canadian fracked oil to china to process at a lower cost to the foreign corporations so they can sell it back to us at an inflated cost - all tax free to them;
- supports the rights of ranchers to kill the 60 wolves that are now in oregon (as does gov kate brown) and indescriminate grazing rights of cattle over the natural / indigenous wildlife;
yes, he defended the views of the bundy's and the reasons for the occupation of malheure - although he beseeched them to not occupy the wildlife refuge.
as stated earlier - he is a far right "democrat". not much that is even centrist about him.