Of networks or cable.
For years journalism/media has pandered (and basically handed its soul) to the prevailing reality show mentality obsession of American society. It has in part delivered us this disgusting joke of a characterless government of tools and fools we are plagued with today.
From the wayyyy long ago relatively innocent MTV “Real World” to the insultingly STUPID, ignorant and classless, gag worthy offerings of ‘can you BE any more blisteringly brain dead dumb-as-a-box-of-salon-floor-hair-cutting’ TV, as a Reality Show entertainment driven society we have steadily deteriorated into a level of unmatched intellectual dreck.
Nadler and Schiff...question: blunt and to the point
Mueller...answer: boom, simple and direct.
Media: blah blah air-time filling wtf look at meeeee judgmental spew, three ring circus on speed.
As a nation we are in serious trouble and deep shit dangerous territory.
We are being controlled and overrun by calculating evil dressed and presented in brain dead IGNORANT bs.
We suffer accordingly and perhaps deservedly.