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Related: About this forumStephen Colbert Rips Into CNN, MSNBC Hosts for 'Panning' Mueller the hearings, Mueller confirmed that the president of the United States was not totally exonerated, as Trump has repeatedly claimed, the host explained. Mueller also agreed that Trump obstructed the investigation multiple times, Russia tampered with the election in Trumps favor. And that the president welcomed that help, lied about welcoming it and encouraged others to lie about it.
In short: BORING! the Late Show host added. I assume it must have been because the critics have decided. And theyre panning Mjeller's performance."
*Thank you Stephen for saying what I have been thinking too!

(24,898 posts)

Bernie & Elizabeth 2020!!!
Welcome to the revolution!!!
(229,768 posts)The American news media decided they weren't entertained enough by Robert Mueller's congressional testimony.
We Have The Play-By-Play Of The Mueller Testimony
Sports analysts Larry Boberry and Gary Nanafanafoferry have opposing viewpoints on what lessons we should learn from Robert Mueller's congressional testimony.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Who did not bother to listen to the well thought out program Democratic Leaders had.
Many of them joined in with Republican talking points to talk about what they considered appearance instead of the facts laid out in front of them. The gaggle of so called pundits sitting around giving their ill informed opinions bore me. That is why I watch CSPAN.
What I witnessed was a man, very nervous at the beginning, who did not want to be there. But as the day went on the asinine attacks of rigt wingers, who really showed what they are caused Bob Mueller to stiffen his spine, actually made fun of Gohmert, sat with a poker face during the attacks, then honestly answered the well thought out questions of Nadler and Schiff. Especially Schiff. That man is an expert. Really should run for President.
After the hearing I tuned the TV off. I knew what was coming.
(229,768 posts)And I certainly agree with your assessment. When I hear these bizarre interpretations, I wonder what they were really watching! When I was listening to Colbert again as I was posting this, I had Brian Williams on the TV and he was doing exactly what Colbert was talking about!
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Less than an hour after the hearing started.
In my eye it started off slow, but as Republicans insulted Mueller it was clear he was disgusted with them. As the day wore on he politely gave it back. But that ending with Schiff was the Grand Finale of the day!
The media said little about that.
Only Scarborough went after Republicans aying he was ashamed he ever was one. Irony there, considering his leading the charge against Clinton, but at least a start.
(229,768 posts)I couldn't stand Scarborough, but now I frequently agree with him - as do my favorite guests like Gene Robinson and Howard Dean. And one of my favorites is Nicolle Wallace, but I couldn't stand her the fist time I saw her. Sarah Palin caused her to stop voting Republican - what I don't get is why actual Republicans support Trump. He's not a Republican, he only ran as his latest money making scheme.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,556 posts)Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)But leave them off. The 24/7 Breathless Breaking News Cable Noise Infotainment Channels exist only to fill airtime between ads for drugs we never knew we needed. Certainly they brush up against journalism on occasion, but it is rarer and rarer anymore.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)And that is , American Swamp, 2 investigative Journalists on the corruption in DC. Not sure of the time, but I will DVR.
Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)Of networks or cable.
For years journalism/media has pandered (and basically handed its soul) to the prevailing reality show mentality obsession of American society. It has in part delivered us this disgusting joke of a characterless government of tools and fools we are plagued with today.
From the wayyyy long ago relatively innocent MTV Real World to the insultingly STUPID, ignorant and classless, gag worthy offerings of can you BE any more blisteringly brain dead dumb-as-a-box-of-salon-floor-hair-cutting TV, as a Reality Show entertainment driven society we have steadily deteriorated into a level of unmatched intellectual dreck.
Nadler and Schiff...question: blunt and to the point
Mueller...answer: boom, simple and direct.
Media: blah blah air-time filling wtf look at meeeee judgmental spew, three ring circus on speed.
As a nation we are in serious trouble and deep shit dangerous territory.
We are being controlled and overrun by calculating evil dressed and presented in brain dead IGNORANT bs.
We suffer accordingly and perhaps deservedly.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)
(59,174 posts)True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Like a Professional. He is well qualified for higher office. VP? Senator?
(59,174 posts)him access to info even some of our candidates don't have.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)But Adam is leading his Committee with a firm hand the, You may think it is OK, I do not speech was the best I ever heard. That fool Nunes wants to take Dan Coats place. I have heard no more.
Roy Rolling
(7,269 posts)Good luck Trying to paint Mueller as too old and frail to do his job. Experienced is exactly the quality needed to do his job and what makes him good.
Criticizing his slow and deliberate habits is like saying man, that wine is old, bring me some new stuff with a metal, screw-on top!
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)If he had ever appeared before Congress when he started insulting Mueller. Chris said no. Colbert said I have and it is nerve wracking. End of Chris insults.
(52,672 posts)He shut Chris up in a was beautiful to see.
(1,922 posts)
(23,563 posts)True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Scarborough
(29,169 posts)Mueller would snap his fingers and Moron would turn to dust?
(15,558 posts)Not that I was ever a fan then you have to remember he comes close to meeting the Trump charge of fake news before Trump arrived with his can of gasoline.
(7,142 posts)are news anchors who deliberately lied to the American people on TV about their life experiences. Anyone who is supposed to report the truth and blatantly is caught lying does not deserve to be on cable news. Of note, O'Reilly wasn't fired for lying, (he should have been) he was fired for costing Fox too much money paying off his sexual assaults.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Just waited a few months, put Brian back on.
Yet CBS fired Dan Rather over a story that one of his helpers did not check enough.
Yet NBC put Chuck Todd on MTP,, one of the most ignorant talking head,ever!
(7,142 posts)Cable news is complicit with the right. Cable news runs right wing narratives. Flip the channels and watch, all 3 networks are talking about the same narrative and are using the same phrases and words and sometimes they coordinate and run the same narratives at the same times.
Here's a right wing narrative that all 3 networks are running; Donald Trump wants to be impeached. Here's another right wing narrative that all 3 networks are running, impeachment hearings will help Donald Trump get elected president.
Some narratives run for decades, like, Democrats are big spenders and are responsible for our huge debt. The truth is the opposite, Republican presidents increase our deficit while Democratic presidents lower it, numbers don't lie.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Lied us into an 18 year, lie of a war.