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In reply to the discussion: Jeff Bezos' WaPo reeling from losses and 'internal drama' as Trump returns to DC: report [View all]slumcamper
(1,750 posts)Disclaimer: I didn't bother to read the article.
Here's the deal: certain monied interest who own and controls this entity is not bothered in the least by any purported "reeling."
Notwithstanding the reeling of those journalists who would otherwise do good works, the failure of this news pillar--to its owner--is tantamount to dropping and losing a quarter in a gutter. IT DOESN'T MATTER to Bezos.
Seriously. He and his ilk are laughing as we, hair afire, lament the rapid deconstruction of institutions and practices that most of society has long relied on as pillars of our cultural landscape.
Can we forge a new landscape;? Or am I envisioning a new country? The rapidity of change coupled with the fleeting of time suggest a "rupture" in the historical continuum--and that phenomenon warrants a much different discussion.