Oh, how sweet. It's such a pleasure to be on the receiving end of backhanded swipes at my intelligence and other subtle insinuations that I lack the ability to understand the nuances of politics.
Here's the thing. If "political awareness" is all it takes... then his efforts have not succeeded. He's been at this for --- how many decades? --- and it hasn't had the desired effect of motivating SOMEONE ELSE to write the legislation needed to get this moving forward.
After all this time, while people suffer, I think this issue has gone about as far as it can go with mere "moral/political awareness." His constant complaining and finger pointing and scolding has gotten about all the traction it can get. Right now, he's revving his engine, but it's getting nowhere... just spinning his wheels... and people are largely ignoring the noise.
I'd like to see him actually DO SOMETHING rather than continuing with his message of how incompetent and corrupt Democrats are. That's a message that discourages participation and suppresses voter turnout FOR Democrats and Democratic candidates.
>> The Inflation Reduction Act would've been even closer to the ideals expressed by Bernie Sanders
Once again, I ask a simple question that continues to be ignored: Why does he spend so much time complaining and griping about Democrats when the same amount of effort could be put toward writing some meaningful legislation and garnering the necessary support to see it to completion?
It's easy to complain and tell everyone what they're doing wrong. It's easy to blame others. It's much hard to be a strong and effective leader and actually put one's nose to the grindstone and get the work done. We need strong leaders.
>> then there is nothing else that I can tell you.
Ahh yes... as I indicated earlier... talking down to me and patronizing me and mansplaining is rather insulting.