To the best of my knowledge, Bernie had nothing to do with the Inflation Reduction Act. Why would reasonable person try to give Bernie credit for things he didn't do?
>> ... at the expense of the overwhelming majority just because you have yours or you're afraid of rocking the boat.
Seriously? WTF, dude? I haven't judged you, I haven't insulted you. Why the little passive aggressive insults directed at me? You don't know me. You don't know what I have or don't have. I can tell you this, however, I know that when the responses turn into personal attacks and insinuations about me, that lets me know when I've hit a nerve and that my comments and criticisms about beloved politicians are hitting on target.
I also know that that this so-called "rocking the boat" is accomplishing nothing. It's pretty clear that the system is dysfunction, and the constant finger wagging and finger pointing is getting NOTHING done. Where's the action? People are tired of words and complaints. People want action.
The constant drone of repetitive complaining becomes nothing more than unchanging white-noise. It fades into the background, it does not have the effect of keeping things "front and center" as you claim. It's just more of the same... maintaining the "status quo" (if you will).
For all of the effort and time spent cranking out repetitive videos and writing books, editorials, and fundraising emails... it occurs to me that IF the same amount of effort put into writing strong and meaningful legislation, and getting others to sign-on and co-sponsor... and then spending just a little more time shepherding it through the legislative process. Well, if that happened, we might just have something worth crowing about, wouldn't we?,14.&text=It%20is%20a%20budget%20reconciliation,after%20being%20opposed%20by%20Manchin