The Ga. Governor jiust signed a bill authorizing medical MJ, however, it only is available for certain specific diseases.
new law makes it legal for people to possess up to 20 ounces of fluid cannabis oil. The cannabis oil can contain no more than 5% tetrahydrocannabinoil, or THC, the psychoactive agent.
The conditions covered under this law are:
Cancer, when such diagnosis is end stage or the treatment produces related wasting illness, recalcitrant nausea and vomiting.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), when such diagnosis is severe or end stage.
•Seizure disorders related to diagnosis of epilepsy or trauma related head injuries.
•Multiple Sclerosis, when such diagnosis is severe or end stage.
•Crohn’s Disease
•Mitochondrial Disease
•Parkinson’s Disease, when such diagnosis is severe or end stage.
•Sickle Cell Disease, when such diagnosis is severe or end stage.
State health officials say doctors will have to sign off and submit required forms.
I'm actually shocked that GEORGIA even OKed some form of cannabis, but I really wish it woulkd cover all the ailments determined by the m medical community to be helpful.