Aljazeera Op-Ed: Sanders is the primary challenger Democrats need [View all]
Hillary Clintons campaign knows voters want an economic populist candidate. During her recent trips to Iowa and New Hampshire (in a van nicknamed Scooby) her rhetoric has focused on how little millionaires and hedge fund managers pay in taxes and how the deck is stacked in favor of the wealthy.
Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone magazine, who has covered his fair share of presidential politics, called it fake populism, and hes right: Clinton is campaigning on the same focus-group-tested promises to repeal unjust tax loopholes that she and Barack Obama ran on in 2008. Those loopholes are still there and will likely remain if Clintons Wall Street donors get her into the White House.
There is one candidate, though, who has always championed populist causes and is a hit with supporters who are hip to the difference between a politician stumping for votes and a true advocate for working people. That candidate is Bernie Sanders.
Cross posted in Politics 2015, GD, Bernie Sanders group and Populist Reform of the Democratic Party