Populist Reform of the Democratic Party
Showing Original Post only (View all)THE HARD CHOICE [View all]
Last edited Wed Jun 1, 2016, 11:47 AM - Edit history (1)
In 2001 our country was attacked and the Republicons were using the attack and the fear they helped generate to implement their economic and neoconic agendas.
This is when we needed the other political party to stand up and provide the balance of power that our democracy so desperately needed.
Fueled by the fear propaganda of the Right Wing, much of the public wanted revenge and Cheney knew just how to get it. Let's invade Iraq. The intelligence (?) they brought forward was so pathetic our major allies were shaking their heads and publicly debunking it all. Iraq didn't attack us, Iraq didn't have the capability to attack us, Iraq wasn't sponsoring or harboring terrorists. The terrorists that attacked us weren't from Iraq and weren't trained in Iraq, but Cheney, thru his puppet, George Bush (Goofy) continued to push for invasion.
Faced with the hard choice of standing up to Cheney and Bush and a great deal of public opinion (influenced by the Corp-Media), the true Democrats voted against the war.
Hillary Clinton instead, didn't oppose the War, she didn't make the hard choice of doing the right thing. She not only didn't oppose the War, fully aware of the consequences, she actually helped Cheney sell the War, giving a speech with wording almost identical to a speech given by Cheney's puppet George. She would later say that Bush fooled her, that she trusted him, when many were screaming that he couldn't be trusted. She didn't think he would invade. And after the invasion, was she upset that she was fooled? Nope, she defended the decision to go to war for almost 12 years. At one point stating that it provided a great business opportunity, and the Iraqi's should appreciate that we were bringing them freedom.
After about 12 years she decided to change her tune and revise her story. In her book, ironically titled, Hard Choices he said:
Really? She thought she acted in good faith? She won't even say she acted in good faith, because she hadn't acted in good faith any more than Dick Cheney acted in good faith. And she admits she got it wrong. Be interesting to find out what she thinks she got wrong.
Some of her faithful want to forgive this mistake, to forget the mistake. The devotion is so great they don't seem to care that she might make a similar mistake in the future. The level of loyalty boggles my mind. Her followers don't care that it was the worst mistake made by our country in decades maybe a century. The mistake cost as many as a million lives, ruined five times that. The mistake arguably cost us what little we had left of freedom and liberty by accepting the Patriot Act, domestic spying, torture and indefinite detention and setting precedence for preemptive invasions. Trillions of dollars moved from the 99% to the 1% that Clinton and her huuge wealth, is such a major part of. War for profits is now part of the business model of the Corptocracy we now live in.
Those of us that value freedom, liberty, peace, and an equitable distribution of wealth don't have a hard choice in this primary. I hope we don't have a hard choice in the General.