It's the sugar damn it!!!! salt too. [View all]
I have been addicted to sugar for almost 65 years..Salt about the same. When I was 6 I crawled around a movie theater eating slightly used popcorn. love the salt. !!! put some butter and it is better..
............butter is better....At age 3 or 4 my brother was a baby and I wanted to eat his baby know..sugar?? It ain't like booze............."don't drink that, that is for adults!!
But, when you are have a "Birthday Party"...and you have "Birthday Cake"..with frosting on it...
............sweat, tasty, good tasting sugar. YOu like it, have another piece, after all it is your birthday!!!
You wonder how people get hooked on sugar?...well if you really like the frosting, and it tastes so good..really good, and you want could already be hooked. Try salt without the popcorn?..Try pizza tell them to make it without salt? salt please. get the picture?? or am I just plain old salt and sugar addict??
................enough....comments anyone????