If one adds deaths due to heart disease, diabetes, anorexia, severe overweight, etc....and take the total and divide by 3...one third of this country is overweight 10 percent, ..whatever that number is..the number of deaths that have a complication of too much weight...(of course they do not call it that) ...equals one death every 3 minutes. So...whatever number we come up with, ...weighing too much increases health problems..
I do love to eat...certain sweat and fatty foods.............I pray a lot....but ....it don't go away.....the brain remembers the pleasure.......I shouldn't talk that way, but it is the truth, and I have been having some problems concerning the ..."food" and ..."other stuff"...lately..I got to keep my mind straight........and........
......if that were easy, well it would be easy.......best to all............today and everyday.......Stuart
extra bit of information................................................................a long time ago, when I first got interested in this subject.....I watched TV from 7 am to 11pm..and counted the food commercials, vs other commercials....................................................................................................
(food included beer, wine, etc..as well as soda pop..etc..and the rest..since they advertisers really try to make pet food look delicious to the viewer, I counted those too.)...results...of the hundreds that I watched..it turns out that about one third of all commercials, then, contained some kind of cues to get you hungry or thirsty...Then, it was black and white tv, but now it is totally color..so they use every trick imaginable to click on that hunger button or that thirsty button in our brains...and they come up with some incredible tricks..but that is for another time and day...