reviews of TV shows and movies now always full of "it's Woke" comments [View all]
most of the time the person doesn't describe what they mean by "woke" and why they object to it. when they do elaborate... it's too many Black characters, too many women in powerful roles, white characters portrayed negatively.
Just an observation. triggered by reading IMBD reviews of new NBC series "LA Brea"... "its woke" it wasn't that great, but I couldn't figure out what they mean by woke. one person elaborated.
La Brea is yet another example of wokeness gone horribly wrong (or right depending on your perspective). I watched the entire first episode and within the hour the show had: i) ensured that there was at least one of everything depicted - including many with intersectionalities, such as black w/ mental illness, white with disability, etc.; ii) painted the cops as "bad people" willing to steal rather than help others; iii) depicted the government as not to be trusted (which in many respects is a very Trump like sentiment); and so on.
another review defines "wokeness"
The actors in this series are good hardworking actors. As in so many segments of our society those who rightfully demanded equal rights have made accomplished a great deal. The problem is their "equal rights" marginalizes white men. And, the cliches are over-ripe. In Episode one the white cop is characterized not as a brave servant of the public, which most police are, but a greedy go-it-alone loner whose cynicism leads her to stash protein bars behind a tree. You don't gain 'diversity' by marginalizing shire leaders and by making the only cop evil. That's perpetuating a vicious lie.