I realize it was set in London - but they overdid the 'fog'. A lot of the movie was shot at night and the sets were too dark.
I'm not sure that this was intentional to provide an ambience or if it was a problem with the theater we attended. I was disappointed it wasn't more colorful.
I wonder what kids thought of it because it didn't seem very Disney to me - and I was up for a fun filled Disney movie to get me out of my Trump funk. The story was heavy and not fun. The music was so-so but I didn't hear a breakout hit song in the soundtrack. Lin Manual Miranda and Emily Blunt did a good job but I think their talents could have been put to better use. Blunt is really a talented singer. Miranda - put in a good performance as well but I guess I expected more from both of them.
The last scene of the movie was the best part of the movie and the most colorful. I still think it could have been more colorful. Just seemed like too little - too late. I'm really sorry I didn't enjoy the movie. I'm curious of those of you that took your kids to see it and how your kids reacted to the movie. There were some young kids in the theater but I was struck by the fact that they kept running out for popcorn and refreshments. My assessment of that is that they weren't drawn into the movie to keep them in their seats - kinda bored.