Yeah, the stories were out there, and most of the blame outside of Weinstein himself belongs with the company because they were fully aware of it and knew of the settlements. But at the same time, there's thousands and thousands of actors, circles, cliques, and so forth and it's akin to not knowing what's going on with a company president at some other company in the same industry when you're mid-level management. You're dealing with what's in front of you, your own production company, etc.
We're all pulled in so many different ways that when you add onto it what actors also deal with in being pulled to dozens of press junkets around the world, you don't hear everything. And a lot of them, when they're not working on set, unplug from Hollywood entirely out of state.
This kind of thing could be going on at a "rival" business to my own within my industry and I'd have no clue. Because I don't pay attention to what their personnel are up to as I'm focusing on my own and what I need to accomplish because I don't even have enough time in the day to do that.
And what complicates a lot of this more are the settlements because that locks up people that could actively talk about under NDAs.