Movie of the year! (and it's not Star Wars) [View all]
I am a Star Wars fan, and I intend to see the latest. I'm waiting for the mob to thin out, though. I saw The Big Short and I'm telling you, you've got to see it. For those unfamiliar with the book by Michael Lewis (writer of Liar's Poker, it's a chronicle of the 2008 banking disaster. If that sounds kinda boring (it did to me, until someone highly recommended the book), let me assure you it's not. Trouble is, it made me furious at the banking industry all over again. The film is very well done with an excellent cast.
Brad Pitt produced the film, and played a relatively minor role. Other stars were Christian Bale (excellent as the guy with Asperger Syndrome), Ryan Gosling (the selfish but smart one who nobody trusted) and the scene and film stealer: Steve Carell (The Office), a comedic actor who does great drama in this (but is still funny).
See this, You won't regret it. I did what I hadn't done in years: go to an actual theater to see a movie.