I've got to start by saying that while I do not support Hillary, I WILL vote for her if she becomes the candidate. I've seen several mentions of garbage posts like this, but since DWS's attack on Elizabeth's commission, I've become very skeptical about them coming from actual Bernie 'supporters'. There's also DWS's unraveling Obama's legacy of campaign contribution donations from lobbyists & etc. that make me wonder about the future of the DNC.
I've also stated for several years that I'd support Elizabeth for President in a heartbeat. She's the kind of for real progressive and Democratic Socialist that we truly need to be the first woman POTUS. I was very disappointed when she chose not to run, but then Bernie stepped up.
I've been a volunteer and active on Bernie's campaign for several months and while I've found a lot of passion, I've never found nastiness or vitriol like this from anyone. I was also a volunteer for both Obama campaigns and there were similar kinds of 'supporter' comments made that made no sense at all. This reminds me far too much of the old Swift Boat attacks by dirty tricks people. No one can be a Bernie 'supporter' and write this kind of crap. It is totally against what the man is and what he stands for.
On the other hand, there is obviously a tremendous amount of turmoil inside the DNC. What with what DWS is and has done, the resignation of Tulsi G. and her support for Bernie, and the very quiet but serious pressure put on elected Dems to support H, I'm wondering what the difference is between them and the RNC. I don't know where the 'Bernie Bros' have come from, but the certainly didn't come from the Sanders campaign that I've been involved with.