Elizabeth Warren knows how to wield her power [View all]
MASSACHUSETTS HAS NEVER SEEN a politician like Senator Elizabeth Warren. Until Warren, a woman with that much altitude and attitude was an alien concept here.
Even if you consider her the face of the uber-Left as Fox News host Bill OReilly describes it you have to acknowledge what that means: Warren has the power. And it belongs solely to her. No derivative spousal muscle involved.
Followers across the country begged Warren to run for president. So far, shes instead using her clout to push President Obama on policy and appointments and prod Hillary Clinton toward a sharper focus on income inequality.
And now Vice President Joe Biden is seeking Warrens blessing and fund-raising apparatus as he mulls a 2016 presidential run. The prospect of a Biden-Warren ticket is also being floated by the Biden camp as a way to shift Democrats to an alternative to Clinton and her e-mail mess.
However this plays out, Biden needs Warren. She doesnt need him. Biden-Warren The Dems Plan B, as the Boston Herald put it is not just about putting a woman on the ticket. Its about pairing Biden with a charismatic, policy-smart progressive who just happens to be female.