"We need to fight & we need to fight hard...for the economy, for the environment, for civil rights, for students...Trade is the fight right now. The vote in the house on TPA is Friday, so we need to get to work right now....Big corporate interests are the ones who get to see/write the TPP, 85% are lobbyists for corporations...fast track needed to pass it...but also fast track will allow any president elected next the ability to push through more bad trade deals.
But trade is just one of many issues we're working on right now...college students...the cost of college is out of control...2/3 of students are borrowing money to go to college. Average $30K debt when graduate...starting out in debt is hurting our economy. Student loan debt affects all of us...(sounds like Bernie!) Lobbyists won't be fighting for free student debt or to expand social security...research funding for cancer is weak...& of course, we'll never give up on holding wall street accountable....
One more, we've got to take back the senate...people like Russ Feingold...I wasn't sent to DC to fight for corporations, I was sent to fight for people, and we need to get more people in the senate fighting for people not corporations..."
Q to Warren: How to help stop TPA in the House on Friday. "Call your congress person, facebook, tweet...make your voices heard. Ask your friends, neighbors, family. If enough people speak out, this is how we change what's going on in Washington..."
And so on....Still disappointed she isn't running. This call is to try to make sure we're not disaffected now in our disappointment. They want us to fight with her, still. I will. But I'm tired of the uphill fight for progressive issues. She wants great energy from us. It will be very hard if another fake progressive gets elected only to continue with endless war, gifts to wall street & the shaft to the poor, fracking ongoing & growing, privatization expansions, BigAg wrecking nature, & so on. But hey, it won't be as bad as a republican!
...She's asked how she stays hopeful. (very good timing) She shares a story. One of her wins. The Consumer Protection Agency...
The big banks will never let it happen, she'd been told...but she fought with MoveOn & more than 100 others. Huge fight ag banks & million$ of lobbying ag them...But David fought Golith & won.
We stood up before & we can against money in politics...
We did it before & we can do it again.
...We're going to be working with Robert Reich in getting message out since it won't be in MSM...
It was a nice call. I'm thankful for it. I think. For me, it will take a while to get over the loss of what could have been...
So there's my take on the call.
If anyone else listened in, would love to hear your thoughts, as I'm sure others here would.