I was reading so much about it for a while there, I had to stop focusing on it. It was effecting my work production. It zapped my joy, and I'm not good to anyone homeless & without joy.
But I still read things, like I've been reading how that climate agreement with China is just smoke & mirrors and actually hurts the fight ag climate change. (Smoke and Mirrors Will Not Save Us From Anthropogenic Climate Disruption )
So anyways pscot, about how Elizabeth Warren stands on the urgency & importance of climate change, this video and article might make you feel better about her stance, but not about how the majority of Americans feel about it...
Mar 2014
On Tuesday, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke on the Senate floor to keep battling against the negative effects of climate change.
In a seven-minute video, Senator Warren referred to morphing weather patterns as "a climate crisis, a point of no return." The only problem is that the good Senator's efforts may be in vain as a new poll shows that Americans don't care about the issue.
"We are at a moment of great danger and great opportunity," pleaded Senator Warren, urging listeners to continue innovating cleaner, greener products and lifestyles. But in general, her pleas are falling on deaf ears.
A new Gallup Poll conducted between March 6 and March 9 of of 513 adults living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia shows that climate change is of the least of Americans' worries, as is the state of the environment.
(This speech on our climate & the entrenched forces fighting alternative energy ROCKS, wish everyone would SEE it!!)
Elizabeth Warren Talks Climate Change But Americans Don't Care [Video]