Maher to Stewart: ‘Drugs are good, religion is bad’ and Obama’s spirituality is ‘bullsh*t’ [View all]
By Tom Boggioni
Tuesday, June 24, 2014 0:58 EDT
In a meeting of the minds, Bill Maher, host of HBOs Real Time, stopped by Jon Stewarts Daily Show to talk about drugs, atheism, politics, President Obamas claims to spirituality, and the New York Mets.
Discussing their careers, Stewart asked Maher if there are things that he has advocated for in the past that he feels he may have had some effect influencing public perceptions.
Absolutely, Maher replied, People used to ask me would you run for office and that is such a silly question, I could never. And if I did, my slogan would be Drugs are good and religion is bad.
Maher admitted that he feels that the needle has moved on both of those topics.
He proves again what a jerk and buffoon he is. As if the president is too cool and smart to be a believer.