Interfaith Group
In reply to the discussion: What purposes are served by the religion forum that aren't better served by the interfaith forum? [View all]MADem
(135,425 posts)I don't see it as a problem. We aren't cookie-cutters. We don't agree on everything. The general trajectory of the Democratic Party is found in the platform, but you'll find people all over the country who don't agree with every single plank of the thing.
Hell, look at the Gungeon. It will NEVER be civil up in there. I stay away from that place--to me, it's a sewer. More vitriol than you could shake a stick at. Indeed, I can understand why some people have a need for a gun (people feed their families with 'em in rural areas, and protect their livestock as well) but I just can't get into the whole Fight!!!! Fight!!! You're WRONG!!!! I'm RIGHT!!!! game they play there. I don't think every idiot should walk the streets packing heat, and yet we have people who will vote the "D" ticket who feel otherwise.
You can even find bitter pro/anti-nuke throw downs in the Environment groups, and they can get nasty and snide, too....where there is Internet, there will be Fights, apparently.
I think self-control is a key element of maintaining civility, certainly; stiff-arming the jerks and calling them out by making public note of their conduct is another way to check them. It can take effort though, and some people aren't interested in "wading into the fray" at times--this place serves those customers. It's a side dish, if you will--and nothing wrong with plenty of those.