Thanks for the kind words of support, flaming lib.
Here are a couple more groups I'm pretty sure supported the militia interpretation, but all I can bring up today, being rushed, is this from a pro gun website. It contends the PTA (parent teacher assoc) and the NEA (national education assoc), did not align with the individual rkba position.
They use propaganda calling NEA & PTA 'anti-gun' which isn't really true, they're just for the more reasonable guncontrol approach to far right lunacy; but article suggests they did not support the individual rkba in 2006. I left in the last sentence to show how much the author went to smear the NEA & PTA for being 'anti-gun', both paradigms at treachery & treason, eh?
July 13, 2006 Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of educators in the United States appear to promote an anti-gun agenda or, at the very least, prefer not to teach the Second Amendment in its true light.
We base this opinion, in part, on the fact that the United States Parent-Teacher Association and the National Education Association are both openly anti-gun organizations.
We further base our opinion on the fact that the public education system at large seems aligned with the left-leaning socialist agenda that also dominates the dinosaur media and the Democractic Party.
These are organizations and individuals who side with the enemy during wartime, attack Christian expression while simultaneously supporting public, other-than-Christian religious expression, and support the licensing and registration of guns while secretly conniving to confiscate every one of them.
Laughable, eh?!!! Sad, too, for how in the world did this type mentality, take hold & supersede the more rational approach?
Answer: GWBush/Cheney stealing the 2000 election, appointing ashcroft, alito & roberts.