paladin: You started out your post by complimenting someone on being able to spell "glock".....
Right I did, because she noted she was unsure whether she spelled it correctly in OP:
.... The waiter told us it was a Glock (sp).
That is why I told her she spelled it correctly. Even sarah brady knows how to spell it, not a sign of gun proficiency (tho I do have some).
What clue did you give that you weren't a pro-gun activist?
You never met me before? I asked where bill was, & I still wonder.
paladin: Advising gun control advocates to get bulletproof vests isn't as bad as telling potential rape victims they ought to lay back and enjoy it---but it's the same sort of insulting capitulation message, and I don't believe it has a place in this group.
C'mon, you're exaggerating for effect: In the wake of more school shootings, parents are purchasing their children bulletproof backpacks, and some schools are stocking up on items such as bulletproof whiteboards and blankets... . Makers of defense items for school-age children say business is booming... said whenever there is a random act of violence they see a surge in sales. Companies such as Mighty Mojo, ProTecht, BulletBlocker and BodyGuard, to name a few, try to balance keeping children safe and making a profit
I suppose you get some help from this one, the british have them too: Slash-proof vests and bullet-proof back packs for students what a sad state of affairs. The slash-proof hoodies are the brain child of a British firm specializing in protective clothing for security and police forces...
paladin: ...and then segued into a sweaty endorsement of bulletproof vests (links included) as the last refuge of those under siege in the Gun Culture---
I stand by that endorsement, since it may very well be our last resort as adults (& school children per above) against open carry gunnuts & a gun lobby insistent upon such weak firearm controls. What would you think the last resort? an appeal to congress for congressional action?
C'mon man, we're on the same side, this is a silly argument.