What IS IT with Republicans and Guns?!? [View all]
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what is up with the South, the rural areas, and the republican party with their biblical love of guns based on fabricated fear? Does someone really need a stockpile? And why is it all or nothing? Why when people even mention Gun Safety we immediately have radio talk show hosts literally screaming about revolution on CNN? The hyper-knee jerk reactions like that where extremists are so loud that all of us in the middle, the majority, cant even be heard
proves that the NRA has done its job.
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I find it unsettling. Paranoia + guns
is that really a good thing for the NRA to be encouraging? I dont believe anyone would agree that its a good combination to intentionally create, and yet the NRA has spent decades pushing people to their paranoid limits. Have they finally gone too far?
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Gun owners: chill out. Seriously. I get that you like to hunt, thats cool. You might love collecting, and thats fine, too. I get that deeper down inside your psyche than the love of hunting is the power you feel when you hold a gun. Thats cool, as well. I will even personally be OK with a slight paranoia of the other breaking into your house, so you want to protect against that possibility by owning a lot of guns
personally, I wouldnt choose a gun for that, but if you want to, thats your right in this country. Whats NOT cool is the intense, feverish, 2nd amendment resolutions that are a result of buying into all the fear mongering of the NRA and Republican Party. THAT is dangerous in this country.
People who love their guns arent dangerous, but people who cradle their guns because they are afraid of phantoms ARE dangerous. The NRA is 100% at fault for creating that environment. Chill the F out, people. Maybe in 200 years well grow beyond this wacky desire to wield power by fire, but for now: chill out.
Get a hobby that doesnt involve explosions or any sort thats a good start. Try fishing. Or golf.
The right-wing gun lobby incites otherwise civil and sane Americans to become paranoid idiots when it comes to matters of public safety and gun control. We see those tendencies exhibited here on DU by a very vocal minority of gun nuts who have been brainwashed into believing the hair-on-fire, whack-job Second Amendment absolutists like Wayne LaPierre, Ron Paul, Larry Pratt, and Alex Jones.
The United States of America far surpasses every other industrialized nation in the world annually in the sheer numbers of gun deaths and injuries. Support a gun control organization of your choice today, and help put an end to the gun violence madness in this nation.