“Happy Mother’s Day” Call from Pro-Gun Activist Obsessed with Sodomy [View all]
Normally, Mothers Day is occasion for warm, love-filled greetings; and even peace advocacy. Pro-gun activist Mike Lynn of Memphis, Tennessee, however, seems to have a different idea about how the holiday works.
When you work in the field of gun violence prevention, you get used to angry and threatening correspondence from the other side, but the voicemail Lynn recently left for CSGV executive director Josh Horwitz nonetheless stands out as particularly grotesque and shocking. His bizarre rant seems to fantasize about the rape of everyone in Horwitzs familywomen and men, adults and children alike.
After we initially posted Lynns voicemail online, he flooded us with apologetic calls, indicating his message was anti-rape and had nothing to do with guns. Thats a bit hard to square with his violent imagery and statements like, The gun is a right, as in free speech is a right. I assure you. This country is well on the way to correcting itself
as we attempted to do in 1861, 1860.
For the record, CSGV has never published any statement or meme saying, Rape only lasts a few minutes, but gun violence lasts a lifetime. Violence against womenwhich is frequently perpetrated by armed men whom they know personallyis something we treat with the utmost seriousness.
I was unable to link to this gun nut's recording in the article, but if you have the stomach please listen to it (at the link) for a sad commentary on the state of the gun culture in this nation. We hear the very same tired NRA fear-enabling "talking points" repeated on DU on a daily basis, which only proves that the NRA propaganda machine is very effective in spreading fear and hatred -- all for the sake of gun manufacturer profits.
Thankfully, the American people are becoming informed and are beginning to take action on a national scale against the right-wing gun lobby and its death merchants. Support a gun control organization of your choice today in any way that you can. Our children's future depends on your efforts to combat the public health menace of gun violence.