Guns Are Killing The Republican Party [View all]
A Republican operative warns that the party needs to answer its addiction to firearms or face irrelevance.
Republicans need a message about guns other than the NRAs we need more good guys with guns idea, which, by my estimation, would cost about $5 billion and impose a federal mandate for armed guards at schools rather than allow for local control, neither of which strike me as conservative approaches or solutions.
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My question to Republican gun enthusiasts is: How would anything being proposed in any way impact what you do now with your guns? Or, is it that you are just hostage to the NRA talking points?
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Unless the GOP comes out with a proactive plan that has some appearance of responding to recent events, then it continues to play defense and digs deeper the hole it has been digging for itself in recent years. On issues where the physics are moving irrevocably forward, like immigration, gay rights, and guns, the Republican Party continues to look backward. And backward is a sure path toward irrelevance.
The United States ranks number one, by a large margin, in gun deaths and violence among the developed nations of the world. We have the right-wing gun lobby. the NRA, and those corrupt politicians who cherish an "A" rating from the NRA above the welfare of the public that they profess to "serve," to thank for this infamous distinction.
Support a gun control organization of your choice today in any way that you can, and be a part of the growing movement to take our streets back from the right-wing gun nut death merchants who promote gun violence for profit.