yeoman: You practically can't own a gun in Chicago. They have some of the toughs gun laws
This is baloney; even when Chicago's handgun ban was in effect people could still own rifles & longguns, which turns your above remark into misinformation &/or disinformation as well as a misleading rightwing talking point - pick on Chicago & ignore the STINK in progun city's backyards, those with comparable or higher crime & guncrime than Chicago (like Houston, Chattanooga, richmondva, Memphis & more).
And where have you been? their handgun ban was overturned 2010, that's 4 years back, & people are 'flocking' to get foids (just ask the gunnuts on rkba board) so chicagoans can buy guns (I heard the pink pistols want a pink foyd).
In fact, the recent surge from 400 murders per year to 500 last year was AFTER Chicagoans were allowed handguns in Chicago, & thousands did. So it's more like MORE GUNS MORE MURDERS.
I also think chicago's violent crime rate went down ~10% the very year the murder spiked to 500, so it's like what's up doc.
And it is a progressive city with Democratic everything.. something needs to be done.
Chicago (FLASH) is the 3rd largest populated city in America, so their weekly & monthly crime totals will of course tend to be higher than smaller cities. But their crime rate, which is the better way to compare cities, is generally on a par with other large pro gun cities, like Houston.
New York city has low violent crime rate, about 400/100k iirc, which is one of the lowest violent crime rates of the ~35 large American cities > 500,000.