2013 State Scorecard: Why Gun Laws Matter [View all]
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Gun laws really do matter. State gun laws fill enormous gaps that exist in our nations federal laws, and help to reduce gun violence and keep citizens safe. In part because these laws help to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people and aid law enforcement in solving gun crimes, many of the states with the strongest gun laws also have the lowest gun death rates.
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Gun laws can make a real difference to public safety. Seven states with the highest grades also have the lowest gun death rates nationwide. Conversely, many states with the weakest gun laws have the highest gun death rates. While more research is needed to determine the precise relationship, it is clear that the data supports the conclusion that state gun laws and the rate of gun deaths are closely tied.
State laws fill some of the most critical gaps in federal law. One of the most dangerous gaps exists because the federal Brady Law only requires background checks for sales by a licensed gun dealer. Because of this, roughly 40% of all gun purchases do not require background checks, allowing dangerous people to skirt the law.
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When Congress failed to finish the job and expand background checks to cover these other gun sales in April of 2013, many states passed life-saving legislation to protect their communities from gun violence.
Five states strengthened regulation of unlicensed firearms sales by requiring background checks on all gun sales or improved the purchase permit process;
Four states added a requirement that owners report lost or stolen firearms to police;
Three states enacted laws to strengthen record-keeping and/or background check requirements for ammunition sales;
Four states strengthened existing restrictions on military-style assault weapons; and
Five states added or strengthened existing restrictions on large capacity ammunition magazines.
The article goes on to emphasize the importance of sensible gun control measures to neighboring states by stating: "The strength or weakness of a states gun laws correlates to the number of crime guns trafficked across state lines. This means, for example, that guns purchased in a state with weak laws are often trafficked into states with stronger laws where they are found at crime scenes."
Contrary to the right-wing gun lobby's claims, the Second Amendment is not absolute, and needs to be regulated for the public good just like all other enumerated civil rights. Support a gun control organization today and help remove the preventable health hazard of gun violence on our streets.