Amid Wave of Pro-Gun Legislation, Georgia Proposes Sweeping Law [View all]
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More than a year after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut elicited a burst of gun-control legislation, the Georgia bill shows just how far the counterreaction has spread as lawmakers,
mainly in Republican-controlled states in the South and West, pass laws allowing weapons in all corners of society while strengthening so-called Stand Your Ground laws.
Critics say the victories may come at a price as pro-gun legislation pushes up against the limits of public opinion.
I do think theyve overreached, said Laura Cutilletta, senior staff attorney at the San Francisco-based Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The Georgia bill, she said, is so extreme and people do have such a strong reaction to it. I dont think over all its a victory for them.
The bill was opposed not only by gun-control groups, but also by the states police chiefs association and restaurant association, Episcopal and Catholic churches, and the federal Transportation Security Administration. A majority of Georgians also opposed it, according to several polls.
Of course this travesty of typical right-wing anti-social legislation will be celebrated by those gun fanatics on the extreme right and those who claim to be "Conservative" Democrats.
When this frenzy of "guns everywhere" Republican NRA/ALEC sponsored filfth finally gets to the SCOTUS, maybe -- just maybe -- sanity will prevail and even the right-slanted high court will see a need to curtail the public health menace of guns in our streets, and in places where we shop, dine, worship, relax, and just socialize with normal Americans.
I fully expect to see a wave of "No Guns" signs spring up in Georgia, as the sane people fight back against this abomination.