The gun nuts lose again [View all]
One year ago, Second Amendment absolutists, some of them carrying vile posters that likened Gov. Cuomo to Adolf Hitler, shouted that sensible new New York gun laws were unconstitutional and vowed to undo them in court.
A federal judge has just calmly put most of those histrionic complaints where they belong: in the dustbin of history.
When Cuomo pushed, and the state Legislature passed, a sober statute in the wake of the Newtown slaughter, it was obvious to anyone with a glancing familiarity with precedent that it would withstand legal scrutiny. Even a conservative Supreme Court had affirmed the right of states and localities to impose reasonable curbs on who can buy and wield what firearms, where and when.
New Yorks law bans the possession of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, requires background checks for all gun sales save those to immediate relatives, creates new controls to stop firearms from falling into the hands of the deranged and more.