September 11, 2017 —In advance of tomorrow’s Congressional hearing on a bill that includes a provision to roll back a federal law that’s been keeping silencers out of the hands of dangerous people for over 80 years, distinguished law enforcement leaders from across the country are calling on Congress to oppose this dangerous legislation.
Released today by Americans for Responsible Solutions and signed by a group of law enforcement leaders, a letter addressed to Congressional leadership explains the serious threats this bill poses to the public safety of communities across the country if it were to pass.
The letter reads: “As longtime law enforcement professionals, we have seen the horrific results of dangerous weapons falling into the wrong hands. The deregulation of firearm silencers through the SHARE Act or the Hearing Protection Act would only make these results more common and often more fatal. We urge you to reject any reckless attempt to remove silencers from the NFA, including the SHARE Act and the Hearing Protection Act, and help us to keep American communities safe.”
Tomorrow, David Chipman, a former Special Agent at ATF for 25 years and a Senior Policy Advisor at Americans for Responsible Solutions, will testify before the House Committee on Natural Resources Federal Lands Subcommittee about the public safety threats posed by the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act.
“When gun silencers fall in the wrong hands they are inherently dangerous devices. Silencers mask the sound and flash of gunfire. They make it difficult for people who are nearby, including law enforcement officers, to identify the sound of gunshots and locate an active shooter,” said David Chipman, former ATF Special Agent and Senior Policy Advisor at Americans for Responsible Solutions.
“Because of effective regulation, silencers are rarely used in crimes and rarely sold illegally. Congress should not change that; they should not dismantle a law that’s working and keeping our communities safer.”
The right-wing gun lobby arguments that "silencers are for hearing protection only" is refuted by law enforcement, and gun control groups across the nation. Silencers/suppressors are primarily manufactured to mask the sound of gun shots, and any other reasons are secondary.