Donald Trump Courts the Gun Zealots [View all]
The mutual embrace of Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association grew tighter last week with Mr. Trumps incendiary suggestion that Second Amendment advocates could maybe find a way to deal with Hillary Clinton and her gun safety agenda if she reached the White House.
Whether calculated or clumsy, Mr. Trumps ugly pronouncement left a whiff of lethal intimidation in the air. It marked a singular moment of desperation in his presidential campaign but also created grounds for the nation to demand a rational, substantive campaign debate on gun safety that gets beyond Mr. Trumps inflammatory sound bites.
The N.R.A. stands almost alone now with Mr. Trump, as one of his few remaining stalwarts in the Republican coalition. Mr. Trump cynically cast aside his earlier pro-gun-control position and successfully pandered this year for the groups endorsement during the primaries.
And while Mr. Trump denies any intent to cue up gun-packing psychopaths, his new best friends in the N.R.A. have begun a $3 million TV attack campaign against Mrs. Clinton.
As a campaigner, Mr. Trump largely ignores the epidemic of gun carnage that claims more than 30,000 lives in the United States each year, except to repeat N.R.A. bromides about the need for citizens to arm themselves. He would rather exaggerate the threat from foreign terrorists on our shores
than talk about the far more lethal threat posed by disturbed Americans easy access to battlefield-style weapons weapons profiting a gun industry that the group serves as a virtual marketing partner.
In contrast, Mrs. Clinton has chosen to defy past warnings that gun control and the N.R.A. are a politically lethal topic and has made the issue a centerpiece of her campaign. She offers a wide list of lifesaving proposals, including restoration of the assault weapons ban that Mr. Trump supported until he switched his position last March in a Republican presidential debate.
The New York Times lays it out very succinctly in this editorial: the NRA/ILA/GOA gun lobby is a Republican, right-wing, anti-American group bent on selling more and more guns, and dead Americans are just the price we all must pay for "Freedom and Liberty" under the misinterpreted Second Amendment. The apologists for the gun lobby, and Second Amendment absolutists are just as responsible for the gun violence in this country as their right-wing gun fetish idols.
We must elect not only Hillary Clinton, but real Democrats to ALL levels of our government -- from City Councils to the Congress of the United States of America. Future generations of Americans depend on us to move this country from the top of the First World's gun violence list, to the bottom. Ideally, we shouldn't even be ON the list.