bernays: Democrats have held the Presidency for 8 years and in that time over 200,000 Americans have died at the end of a gun. And yet neither Democratic candidate has offered anything close to a meaningful plan to deal with this problem. Neither have any Republicans btw.
Hillary Clinton is a gun control supporter. She has expressed her beliefs time & again, and her husband was also for gun control when he was president.
That to you, she has not exhibited a 'meaningful plan', means nowt to the rest of us here. She ranks imo about 85 on a scale to 100 for being a gun control advocate, whereas sanders about a 60, trump about a 15 (these days). So the choice is clear who would moreso support gun control policy, which is sometimes the best &/or only way to evaluate presidential candidates when there is a political issue.
She cannot go whole hog gun control during an election year due to the risk of alienating some naive pro gun democrats who might fall for nra & trump propaganda, such as her wanting to 'destroy' the 2ndA. In the event tho, she likely won't ever go 'whole hog' gun control, but she will be a far better representative than any of the republican candidates this past cycle.
bernays: Americans - the mainstream - are happy to trade endless gun death for the freedom to own unlimited weaponry. Democrats are no different.
Baloney. Open your eyes. Did you misinterpret the senate votes after newtown where dems voted for the AWB, magazine limits, BG checks, while almost all republicans voted against them thus defeating them? If you cannot discern the difference between dems & repubs you have your eyes & ears closed.
bernays: If you want gun control - if that's your main voting issue - there's no one running that represents you. And there likely won't be any time soon.
Hillary's sanity is quite the opposite of trump insanity on gun control, & that's good enough for most of us. Your specious point that 'no one' is running on gun control being the 'main voting issue' doesn't hold much water with this group, since you could say the same thing about most all other issues.
The following demonstrates how wrong you are about dems & guns:
CBS/NYTimes poll: Barack Obama recently announced an executive action that, among other things, seeks to expand background checks for some firearms and strengthen federal enforcement of the nation's current gun laws, particularly in online sales. Do you favor or oppose this action?"
1/7-10/16 Favor Oppose Haven't heardenough Unsure/No answer
.................. 62....... 32.... 2....................... 3
Republicans... 43 ........52... 2....................... 4
Democrats ....81...... 15... 1....................... 4
Independents ...62.... 32... 4....................... 3
Do you favor or oppose a nationwide ban on assault weapons?"
............. Favor Oppose Unsure/No answer
6/13-14/16 57 .. 38.. 6
Republicans 45.. 50.. 5
Democrats 78.. 18.. 3
Independents 47.. 45.. 8