Mental Health Information
In reply to the discussion: Seeking a discussion/information on drivers licenses. [View all]chknltl
(10,558 posts)First in response to you cbayer, both Ron and I tell Jeff that we are unable to see reality as he does. When Jeff insists on things I don't personally believe in like heaven, I have told Jeff that I simply don't believe in it and Jeff seems OK with it. When Jeff goes into discussing his fantasy universe, I almost treat it as a book and I question parts I am unclear on. My engaging in this fantasy reality with Jeff makes him quite happy, I like making my brother happy, all things considered. Regarding Jeff's drivers license it won't fall on my shoulders to take it away from him and below I outline better how my brother Ron handles this.
Regarding my family: I am oldest surviving member of the our family. In descending order I am Chris, age 60; Jeff, age 58; Ron, age 57; Jon age 56; and we lost our youngest brother when he was 18. We have two sisters but unlike us brothers they seem unaffected from Manic Depression, all of us boys have it to various degrees. Our father had severe Manic Depression, according to what I am learning about this disease it is genetic and we got it from him. I also am diagnosed with moderate PTSD from the severe beatings us kids suffered from our father's own illness. I suspect all of us boys have PTSD but I am not a doctor so all I have is a strong suspicion.
My brother Jeff is diagnosed severe schizophrenic. Jeff believes that he is not schizophrenic, that instead he is telepathic and he has a constant barrage of telepathic beings distracting his thoughts. Jeff further claims that he is an alien spirit that is 'all of space' inhabiting Jeff's body, that Jeff is in there with him too. Jeff can to a degree operate normally in our world but any conversation with him eventually drifts off into his fantasy world. (He generally smiles proudly and starts off telling folks that he is 135 million years old, he does this to anyone who tries to talk to him). Jeff refuses to take any meds for schizophrenia because he doesn't believe he has it, that his real problem is his telepathy. Jeff's doctors can not force Jeff to take those meds.
My brother Ron is Jeff's caretaker, I only joined in as an assistant a couple months back. (Long story short I recently reconnected with my family, my own mental handicaps kept us apart for decades). When I bring up Jeff's driver's license issue with Ron, Ron gets pretty irate himself. Ron doesn't want Jeff to have it either but apparently Ron walks a fine line here not wanting to push Jeff away. Jeff does not keep track of his own finances, frankly he says he doesn't even want to keep track of them. Ron has custodial access to those finances and uses this position to moderate what Jeff can and can not do.
As far as Jeff knows, he has only enough money in his account to get by, (pay rent buy clothes on occasion, purchase his weekly needs of oddities like packs of batteries, packs of cigarette lighters, wires, rubber bands and etc). Jeff has much more than he knows in his account but he never asks and Ron never tells. Ron owns the house Jeff lives in. Ron, (and lately I), drive Jeff wherever he wants to go. One of us is checking up on him almost every day. Neither I nor Ron complain about our helping our brother, I am sorry I didn't connect in earlier. Ron also helped Jeff get public assistance to cover Jeff's food needs, rent and electric bills.
Everyone in Jeff's small community, (it's a small covenant run group of about 10 or so homes on a small lake out in very rural Pierce County Washington), is aware that Jeff is handicapped. Most generally ignore him but some (they act like conservatives btw), want Jeff removed from their community. Local law enforcement know about Jeff's condition. When the neighbors call in complaints, the local police departments call my brother Ron instead of sending one of their cops around.
Now that I have come into the picture and with my recent raise in status from 70% disability to 100%, Jeff wants to follow in my footsteps. Jeff too is a vet but he did not serve during wartime like I did. My brother Ron and I both feel that there is a strong case to be made that Jeff's shizophrenia was caused by the Scarlet Fever he caught while in a Navy hospital during his 3 years in the Navy. (Jeff had a sustained temp over 107 degrees, it's in his records, his doctor informed him then that this high a temp can cause brain damage and/or death). Our thinking here is that even should we fight for and win Jeff a case against the Navy, what on earth is any money made for Jeff going to be useful for? When I ask Jeff, he tells me that he wants to go on a world tour with me and the Pope, (no I ain't making that up).
So that's where we are at with Jeff. Ron is in charge of Jeff but allows Jeff an illusion of autonomy. Should Jeff be institutionalized? Frankly neither I nor my brother Ron want that and I can tell you for a fact that Jeff wouldn't be happy. Furthermore we are pretty sure that due to bed shortages, (thank you President Regan), there likely isn't an institution that could take Jeff. Ron has hired a civilian Psychiatrist in order to get a non-VA opinion regarding Jeff. So far Jeff has had 3 VA Psychiatrists and in all cases Ron and Jeff were unhappy with their methods, (for different reasons).
FWIW It was my intention to only use my brother as the example for this discussion more than my documenting my family. (Did I tell you all about my brother Jon yet? His mental health is midway between mine and Jeffs but he is not a veteran and he VERY ANGRILY denies that he has any problems at all! He hasn't even touched bases with medical help! Fortunately due to a couple of felonies for pot growing Jon is unable to own a firearm but he DOES own and legally operates a couple of motor vehicles....just don't get in his way or try pushing him down the road!)
I refuse to believe that my family is unique. I have no proof of it but I believe that there are lots of folks out there on our roads, folks like myself, my brother Jon and even my brother Jeff. We can legally own a motor vehicle, we can legally drive on America's roads and highways. Road rage is a catch-all phrase for many things I suspect. I know for a fact that during my manic phase I get awful road rage but now I understand where mine stems from. I am closely working with my doctor about it. My doctor knows that if he tells me that my driving days are over then that is that, I'll stop driving. So far the meds are helping to keep that fate from happening for me. Also, per my doctor's council, I do not have a firearm in my home. In other words I am now paying attention to and complying with the wisdom of those I need to be listening too! My brother Jeff isn't, my brother Jon can't and I am left wondering about the thousands and thousands of folks out there, like me, like Jeff, like Jon who can legally drive cars and own firearms. That's the discussion I hoped to have but I guess I didn't put it out there well enough in my OP.
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