A louder voice in fighting abortion bans: Men in red states-WaPo gift article [View all]
Subtitle-More men are speaking out in defense of reproductive rights because of harrowing experiences that wives or partners have suffered when a
snip-"Thomas Stovall grew up in a strict Baptist family in Mississippi and always believed that anyone involved with abortion was destined for hell.
But his lifelong conviction crumbled when his wife, Chelsea, was 20 weeks pregnant with their third child. Tests showed a severely malformed and underdeveloped fetus, one that was sure to be stillborn if carried to term. There was other devastating news, too. Continuing with the pregnancy could threaten Chelseas health and future fertility, doctors warned."
snip-"Two years after the Supreme Court toppled federal protections for the procedure, growing numbers of men in red states are speaking out in defense of reproductive rights because of the harrowing experiences theyve seen wives or partners go through when pregnancies went tragically awry, endangering their health or ability to bear children. Some, like Stovall, had been staunch abortion opponents; others concede theyd given the issue little thought until it hit close to home."
snip-"The results of the latest Washington Post-ABC News-Ipsos poll found that 1 in 5 men called abortion a top voting issue for them this year. While it resonates more among Democratic men, with 34 percent identifying it as one of their most important issues, 15 percent of both independent and Republican men also say it is one of the single most important issues in their vote adding to the GOPs challenge ahead of Novembers presidential election."
much more there.