campaign to shame them for having that standard. They clearly outlined the demographics and politics that could lead to fewer marriages, but they never brought up the issue of children, and they stated the obvious, ...increasingly, the political is personal. A 2021 survey of college students found that 71 percent of Democrats would not date someone with opposing views. There is some logic to this. Marriage across religious or political lines if either partner considers those things to be central to their identity can be associated with lower levels of life satisfaction. And politics is becoming more central to peoples identity.
While they did point to research that indicates marriage may have benefits in spite of political differences, they also pointed out that
"marriage isnt for everyone. Nor is staying in a physically or emotionally abusive marriage ever the right choice. they added, "These differences cant just be papered over through good-faith dialogue because they are real. In addition they stated. "Marriage across religious or political lines if either partner considers those things to be central to their identity can be associated with lower levels of life satisfaction.
It is clear the editorial board thinks marriage is a benefit to society overall, but I saw no attempt to shame anyone into getting married. It was more of an appeal to consider marriage as a benefit than heavy-handed shame campaign. Personally, I disagree with their view.