History of Feminism
Showing Original Post only (View all)My daughter married a Men's Rights Activist [View all]
Last edited Wed May 8, 2019, 10:59 AM - Edit history (1)
Hilarious title, in actuality not so fun. My youngest daughter, my free spirit who traveled all over the country selling items at fairs, at markets, at concerts. My blunt one, with the most forgiving heart imaginable, met a guy. A musician, a guitarist in a cover band. She now says she was partying too hard to see the warning signs. We saw them, but we are experienced parents and we dont belabor the obvious. We only warn.
They got married, she got pregnant and from the time she was first pregnant this motherfucker tried to control the scenario. Threw a fit when she suggested an abortion because it was his baby when the baby was born, did the minimal amount he could to parent. Let her support him, spend food money on pot, and was a general all purpose piece of shit. I wont go into too much detail.
They lived by us and we could monitor the situation, until about 6 months ago, and while we thought the marriage had no chance, my daughter was all about stability and family and thought she could make it happen. Then he isolated her, lived by HIS parents and became increasingly emotionally, mentally and even physically abusive.
She got out. We helped her, and the story is still being written, but she landed on her feet and just won a major court victory.
So, where does the MRA stuff come in? Turns out my soon to be ex-son-in-law is a huge fan of THIS motherfucker:
A Voice For Men
Molyneux was a panelist at a 2014 Detroit conference held by the men's rights movement and manosphere organization, A Voice for Men. According to Jessica Roy of Time magazine, Molyneux argued that violence in the world is the result of how women treat their children, and that "If we could just get people to be nice to their babies for five years straight, that would be it for war, drug abuse, addiction, promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases, ... Almost all would be completely eliminated, because they all arise from dysfunctional early childhood experiences, which are all run by women."[23]
So man, I have to tell, while this SIL asshole was hitting all the boxes, starting with his libertarian politics, to his anti-public school stance (he thought he could home school my granddaughter when he is barely employable) I knew, just KNEW there was some MRA bullshit in their somewhere, but it wasnt confirmed until my daughter told me who he constantly listened to on Podcasts. Of all the disgusting MRA fuckers, it had to be Molyneux. Ugh. UGH.
Shes out, right now shes safe, baby is safe.
Thats as close as I EVER want to get to one of those people.